Hit me up there don't be shy
You a hoe
Nahh man I’m a hoes nigga not a hoe nigga ???
You and Tanie?
Mmmmm what about us ???
Is luyanda your girlfriend?
Nahh mate ?
I think I love you
Awww I love me too ?
You are a fresh fellow aren't you???
Mmmmm HMU ??
I think it’s good you broke up with Lulu joee.__
Luyanda wasn’t meant for you ? joee.__
Okay your are telling me why ??
Why did you break up with Lulu ??
Well I guess all good things come to an end ?
What's your favorite sport
Hockey ?
petra for life!!!! c
Nahh probably not ??♂️
What's luyandas surname
Chitofu ?
So how is Luyanda ???????
Well ask her
how you been I see u killing dem wif your awesomeness!!!!c
I'm trying
the legend himself jose!!!!
What do you owe yourself?
Well nothing much hey