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436 Replies

What is a waste of money to you?

Girls because in the end everything you spent on them and for them becomes worthless

joemcmillan_ replied 2707 days ago 1

If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?

Zoo magazine

joemcmillan_ replied 2714 days ago 2

Which word have you started using a lot lately ?


joemcmillan_ replied 2724 days ago

How much do you have in your bank account ?

Negative a slab

joemcmillan_ replied 2747 days ago 1

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

Kate upton, oh yummy

joemcmillan_ replied 2766 days ago 1

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

Time flys when your life's falling apart

joemcmillan_ replied 2787 days ago 2

What's an instant turn off for you?

"I'm a vegan" because they eat my foods food

joemcmillan_ replied 2794 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Bulk strippers

joemcmillan_ replied 2795 days ago 2

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Get black out drunk

joemcmillan_ replied 2839 days ago 1

You fcked Bianca yet, everyone else has

Who tf is bianca

joemcmillan_ replied 2876 days ago

What's stopping you from being the best version of you?

The bottle'o closing at 10

joemcmillan_ replied 2885 days ago 2

What is something that people might not like about you?

The mullet

joemcmillan_ replied 2999 days ago 1 4

Whats annoying you right now?

not having enough money for nuggets & grog

joemcmillan_ replied 3022 days ago 4

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

"Omg you look like joe dirt" everyone in year 10

joemcmillan_ replied 3036 days ago 5

Holy fck you're such a try hard getting a mullet just so people will recognize you more aha fcking go die you fat A$$hole no one likes you

And there goes my mood even more thx

joemcmillan_ replied 3041 days ago 2 1