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i'mo be honest..feel free scgual ai't busy

15 Replies

What's pissing you off right now ?

my brother flexing with no shirt on

johanna843 replied 2939 days ago

Why are you so shy

I'm not probably just don't know me

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

Name top five best friends. That are boys in your honest

Ryan ,Rowan ,Ashwin ,loots,david

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What do you think of the current grade 9

There's not that much to think of them right now

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

Who are you crushing on right now

Someone from luderitz

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What do you hate

People juedging Me even tho they don't know me

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

Name any 2 close friends that you have

Ryan and olivia

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What's your favorite colors

Black pink purple...ect

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

If u could pull something out of the tv what would it be

Money...and I'd buy food with it

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What are your plans for hockey in the future

To make it to nationals and prove those haters wrong

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What's so special about you that you think your different from everyone els

I'm'll never find anyone like me on this earth

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What do you think of the name rowana

It's a sight that me and Rowan are friends...soo

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

Money or Loyalty ?

Loyalty...but without money are we all nothing?

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What do you owe yourself?

The truth

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago

What Mood Are You in Right Now?

The good kind...

johanna843 replied 2940 days ago