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John Cilione


344 Replies

thoughts on meh? mia.jury

good friend. used to be close. funny. hot. good to talk to. trustworthy

johncilione replied 4227 days ago 1

thoughts on ines ?

nice. really hot. Funny. Need to talk more.

johncilione replied 4250 days ago

f***ing leave john alone, who cares, worry about your own life because i can tell your life must be sad because all you do is write shi*/hate. f*** off you immature little gimp.
enjoy your day john and dont give a f*** what they have to say.
peace out.

thank youu

johncilione replied 4259 days ago

Leave john alone or else i will kick the shi* out of you!!!! :) pattxuereb6

thanks pat

johncilione replied 4294 days ago

leave john alone loosers!

inbox me whoever you are

johncilione replied 4294 days ago

ur gay bahahahahahahahaha

that akward moment when qoohme is trackable.

johncilione replied 4295 days ago

It was not a hack how come the messages went on over weeks!??

whoever is saying this shi* on my qoohme cos my parents have seen and are going to get the police involved if it continues happening. Just a warning to all you teeny boppers

johncilione replied 4295 days ago

Biggest liar I've ever met


johncilione replied 4295 days ago

lel coz it was not a hack i saw the messages with my own eyes stop making up shi*

lel it was a hack and how did you?

johncilione replied 4295 days ago

everyone who is saying johns gay when he clearly isnt (have you seen the list of hooks?) like are you against gay people? how low can you get f**k of c***ts

thank youuu and inbox me please ? :)

johncilione replied 4299 days ago

get off his f***ing back you f***ing f*****s. so what if he is, go get f***ed. no it doesnt concern you :)

inbox me whoever you are :)

johncilione replied 4299 days ago

Before you insert a tampon it helps to know where it has to go. Place a mirror between your legs and have a look. Find your labia (the lips or folds of skin, which cover the entrance to your urinary opening and your v*****). This is where the tampon will go.

omg i didnt know. thanks ill have to tell my pshychiatrist

johncilione replied 4299 days ago

oi matt my brother is a yr 10 and i have the messages and i showed him so yeh yr 10s do know you f***en dumb ****

cool. why didnt u say this to matt not me...

johncilione replied 4308 days ago

f*** off everyone, who gives a f*** if he is or he isn't. god, he can do want he wants too do. you dont know the story, he does and just believe him. besides its his life, so why you worrying about his, when you should be worrying about yours.peace out :)

:) inbox me whoever you are

johncilione replied 4308 days ago

are people still saying that johns gay? seriously? he isnt, ur just jelly. year 10s dont know shi* so awks for the **** that said it. you know his swag not his story. stfu matt_diamandis1212

5 eva and my swag is to the max

johncilione replied 4308 days ago