Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
*you're but hey - thanks xo
I shmaak that song - but you got to show me name anomie.
Why would that be ?
I don't care - their problems not mine ? ;)
Google it
"My babey " miss you so much babushka xo
If he's upset with me he must let me know - I don't want to upset anyone ?
message me - then I can make you happy
hey hey hey
My fav duh
Pretty much anyone that's cool
Thanks so much ~ xox
Probably tall and skinny - taller is better but I really don't mind if they cool x
I shmaak hockey & rugby so both x
Probably a head band ( long story )
Nah I just want to be happy xo
Obviously not - who does ?
Don't have one - I dont plan hook ups ?
Probably my dad - idk .. ?
The work - duh
Didn't even spell her name right ha. And if she wants to know she can ask me - I shmaak everyone though
L - you know what I think of you
You do realize your name is on this hay ?
Idk - I got too many friends to have a best friend
She's the coolest
I don't even know
To kfc and back
She's the fav
I shmaak her
She's cool af
Gareth Howzit xx
I'll be there - come find me
Unfortunately not
Ally I think if you took more selfies with me I would have plenty to post so feel free to help me anytime 'xo'
Ha thankss
Thanks - you too
Jords / jordie I guess but most of my friends call me Jord ( thanks mrs ward )
how to get a boyfriend lol
absolutely nothing
School - school has always wasted the most time .
Ferrari as long as its red .
Uh no thanks
Good friends , a black cat and my favv. ~
Ha you wish boe - The bobble looks better on me and you know it. I ain't giving it back .
Who are you
Why are you obsessed with wanting to know my closest friends - all my friends are close , I can't just pick out two - if you are dying to know Whatsapp me and I will happily tell you all the names xo
Mac Donalds
eat sleep rave repeat
Treasured soul - number one house song •
No idea - ask my parents
Look one down
Not really no
Talk to me :) oh and buy me a cat - I'll love you forever
a black cat
No one - I don't want bullets
How could you do this to me ?
Not a single clue. Ask my mom - she thinks I'm pretty - I hopeee.
to be perfect
That's cute. So you have me all figured out ? Last time I checked I was nice to everyone :) clearly you know nothing about me - I feel sorry for you that you have nothing else to do but send me messages like these ? Is your self esteem that low ? If you Really think im a terrible person - send me a message , I haven't heard stuff like this from my friends before but id love to hear your judgment. See you around .
Cats cats cats.
Nope - not at all
SHOES - you can never have enough.
Frog - I miss you endless amounts. Come visit me ?
Nothing - my friends are my friends and I like them just the way they are.
This is my Favourite message in the whole world. You are my favourite person ever. I love you and I'm going to miss you tons boetjie. Don't leave ? Don't want tomorrow to come.
Overcast or raining - bed , tea and good movies sounds about right.
chocolate milkshakes. It's an obsession.
Boe you're my favourite. Coffee and milkshakes was the best with you and the socks are my fav.
Can't believe you just let me stranded like that. I miss you more claireyyy. Counting down the days - "can't wait to see chelsea" jokes that's not happening. Bye love you long time xox
Such a terrible name but hayyyyy ! :)
Your wmw ? ;)
Why are you so interested in my best friend ? ;) she doesn't just do one thing - she does everything. She's the best - if you want to be best friends with me or want help with best friends send a message to me xox
Does it matter ?
One - but lots of close ones x
Do you ?
Long enough to be remembered I guess ?
Ay skeet - what's up my bru ? Bring some over asseblief. Danks my Niglet
NIGGGAAA. I'll bring the water You can do the rest To lazy - soz See you tomorrow.
Way to hard.
Can you learn to spell ?
TAL BOE. jokes not thank you - you s*ck more
English ?
That's not weird .. Try talking to me first ;)
Um um um that's cool ~ xo
You boe