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jordy waldron


couldn't care what you ask

930 Replies

What are you, 6

5 and a half actually

jordyyxo replied 2924 days ago

Tuning anyone ??

I do have a boyfriend

jordyyxo replied 3306 days ago

You and Cain are an awkward couple
I still reckon you and Aaron were a lot better couple

I'm just an awkward person

jordyyxo replied 3491 days ago

That's a shame that all the stuff about Aaron's stopped I always liked reading it
It was a good laugh sometimes


jordyyxo replied 3525 days ago

Come on who's your best guy friend

Umm you

jordyyxo replied 3535 days ago

Who's your best male friend and female friend?
And Cain can't be the male one

Best guy friend probably umm actually I dunno. Best girl friend probs shelbs or the gross shayleigh.

jordyyxo replied 3537 days ago



jordyyxo replied 3540 days ago

What do you want right now ?

I want to pee right now

jordyyxo replied 3542 days ago

We are sorry Jordy we shouldn't have said what we said we are sorry
We will stop sending you things
Sorry Jordy


jordyyxo replied 3545 days ago

I know why you told Aaron to stop hanging with you
So you and Cain could hang because cains scared of Aaron
Well that what it looks like through our eyes anyway but that's low if that's what you did

Yes that exactly what I did. Why do yous thinks so badly about me. Yous can think what yous want but that isn't the reason why we don't hang. And cain isn't scared of Aaron.

jordyyxo replied 3546 days ago

Cains a better bf then Aaron would ever of been

I do admit cain is a pretty good boyfriend❤️

jordyyxo replied 3547 days ago

Why dose Aaron look like he's gonna kill everyone
That's what he always looks like

I dunno. Why are you always askin me questions about Aaron

jordyyxo replied 3548 days ago

Why would aaron want to hit Cain he hasn't done or said anything
your obviously pretty ****ed up aarons not like that


jordyyxo replied 3550 days ago

You do know I was bull****ing

Well yeah. I mean I know Aaron wouldn't wanna hit him because cain hasn't done anything wrong. And I know that that would be the only reason Aaron would hit him

jordyyxo replied 3550 days ago

It's your f@cking ex Jordy for f@ck sake how didn't you guess that

Oh my gosh. Tell me why he wants you

jordyyxo replied 3551 days ago