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Yes haha but I don't always show it
Seb, Morgan, Marca, Mik, Kartia, Mon and Cass :) love them all
Charlotte is ugs
Aw thankyou that's so nice :)
If I like you your my friend :)
It was the right decision :) we are both happier
That's nice
Haha a lot of money and braces
Haha this is a lez question uhmm proby my best mate Charlotte
I don't know who either of them are
Thankyou aha and girl ** I'm not that old
Cath is so funny, Morgs is the best and she's so dopey she makes me laugh! and Britt is just nice to everyone :)
Haha makes no sense
Hahaha what a joke.
Haha things change life goes on and we never really had a thing tbh we used to just be close friends
Yeah it's great lately I just don't and I'm much happier this way, I used to care too much :/
Haha who's this
His beautiful I luff him and tayz
Jacob can do what he wants idc anymore
Thankyou so much I actually love you ahaha
Hahahaha okay okay x
Love them all
Claire Klusik one of my good friends x best person
Uhm in my year id have to say Marca, Morgan, Cath, Ari, Bec :)
Hmm I wonder
Morgan can kiss my b*m
I don't really know her that well
Funniest girl I love her
I don't really feel like I have a best friend lately ahaha idk
Thankyou :) hahha
Grace aha before I moved to ave I didn't even know her and I thought I didn't like her but she's actually the nicest girl :)
Thankyou so much it means a lot xx
My attitude depends on who you are and hahaha I get paid for my face but I'm dearly sorry you don't like it xx but I like your choice of words :) your proby really experienced with gardening so do yourself a favour and come and dig yourself a hole in my backyard and climb in it
Readie is a cutie and no I would not hahah
Good friend :)
Id never put myself in that position because I can control my alcohol limits hahahha
No I haven't picked up on that :/ awkward
Definently not
I don't get with randoms, not my thing x I would have to have feelings for someone to get with them
Kill Nathan Bush
Nope I'm single unfortunately
That's a tough one haha I can't choose I like them both
Love him his the funniest kid
Nice kid :)
I miss how skinny I was haha uhm nah other than that proby my dad
Kate my mate
Thanks me too
Aw :)
Hahaa omg funny joke
Seb, morgs, tay, jayde
Thankyou I'll tell her that
Nah ew it's trashy as but I've had fights with girls before and shoved one but that's as far as I go and I only do it if it's necessary.. I don't pick fights
what do you mean in what way ahahhaha
inbox me
Why do I not know you
I like you too :)
gotta love them
Very very big.
I'm so bad at it tbh like I can never initiate anything with a guy I just wait until they come to me and if they don't nothing happens ahha
Wow thankyou that's so nice aha but it s*cks the guys I like don't like me back most of the time :p
Yes I love them so much they are beaut
Haha on the 4km track I run 2km get to the bridge walk the bridge then run the rest
sometimes :)) I used to heaps
He has no standards hahaha so grot
his my friend ill always care but I've moved on and his in the past now ahaha but the girls his gotten with since me are so ugly it kills me
I love making friends :))
craves my leftovers
That many fake *****es these days I swear hahaah I find it so funny
Aw thanks that's so sweet xox
And just inbox me about it
Hahha I cbf
I run
Hahahah I need to get back into the gym cause I haven't been going lately
I am so single it's not even funny
Leg day everyday
She's straight out sxc
Not too sure yet but hopefully I end up doing something I love and I'm passionate about
Boy oh boy
I hate my legs aha
No Phil.
Pure class
Sort your issues
His not my boy? What are you on about ahahah
Nah we are just mates