Would u date someone going into grade 11?
Debatable! Depending who I guess!
What freaks you out ?
any girls your interested in?
Um ya!
But I'm a girl why can't I watch
Only if you join
Who would u date in a heartbeat?
A country girl!
Who would u date in a heartbeat?
Katy Perry!
Can I watch u and Jerett shower at ridgetown ??
Huhhhh gayy!
Your the biggest dogger i know
I try every now and again
Got any friends going to rtown with ya
Oya ryan, Jacob, jake, jerett and a few others!
I want your wiener so bad colleeneve
Lol it wasn't Paige who wanted to go to prom with u..
Excuses! Lol
How's Isabelle?
O she's doing preddy good I assume
Lol that wasn't me and going to someone else prom is a waste of money so yea pschweitzer
you get all the hotties good for you
I try!
Did u get it in on prom?
Nope, recieved
Lmaao! I know someone who was dying to go to prom with u ... Way hotter than colleeen!
Okay paige.. btw your not hotter
Lmaaao U think Colleen is pretty?
How was taking an*** from that black dude?
Fav peeps at Mitchell
To many people!
Are u going to prom with colleen eve?
Who you getting with on prom night
You tell me