Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
She's dope. Cool kid to the max ??
For me to know and you to assume ??
Ask her
You cute ?❤
Well done ? ?
Nah uh, you message me ??
She's cool ??
I know who and yes i definitely can handle it ????
Once again, Courteney ?
And don't worry about that man, you should be studying ?
Nah definitely not ?
Any place where weed is legal so I don't have to be on the lookout ?
And she's very special to me ❤
There's no such thing as a stupid person ? but I would date her if we click
I have a few but Jenko is my main ?
Heyy heyy ??
It's quite an effort ???
Uhm thanks, I guess ???
My attitude ?
Dala what you must ekse ?
Are you talking about Ayesha Arendse?
You not living if you don't know the muffin man ??
Doing something crazier each day ?
You argue to much ???
I didn't realise I was gay. I just realised how stupid you are for asking kak questions ?? no hate fam
Of course you can ???
In due time I'll share some more of my work fam ?
Great, we finally alike then ??
Did you know that lurking is bad for you ?
And she just so happens to be my favorite ❤
You cute ? your bravery is appreciated ??
Uhm you welcome I guess
Where some of my clothing had disappeared to after a party
We were friends before and I don't mind still being friends xx
Lmao, like I said. Message me and we can make a plan
Ahh message me. I'm sure we can make a plan x
Always have boring jokes, lmao jk. But she's hella legit
Paris, Italy and heaven
All the girls at my school are beautiful
Ahh that's a hard one. It probably has to be a good bottle of Johnny Walker black or blue label
No I have not lol. Why?
I'm with the girl I really wanted to get with already
I don't have a favorite slang word because I'm a sophisticated person... nah bullsht. My favorite slang word probably has to be 'auj'
She seems chilled. If she messages me I'll get to know her better x
One of my fav people. Like a sister to me
Lmao. Thank you. I'm sure you're good looking aswell x
Always you with these mind blowing questions hey, lmao
Definitely Alex Thomas lol
Okay you can stop getting lekker now lolol
Lmao. Thanks fam, much love xx
And who might you be?
Don't know her that well but she seems pretty cool
Cutting lines in your eyebrows
Sounds vaguely familiar. I think she follows me on insta
She probably just showed her other side lmao
Thanks lol, but I am with someone yes x
Yes we are xx
Assume you're talking about Courtney Williamson. Got much love for her, she's super cool and a great friend
Yeah she's one of the ouens
None of your business lmao
Heyy there chickadee xx
Her personality and her sense of humor. If she can make me laugh she's won me over
Don't think I have any actually
Sister Kir!!
Firstly, that's not how I operate. Secondly, I don't make girls think they have a chance or lead them on, I'm very straight up and open about it. They make there own assumptions. And lastly, I don't share my life over social media. It's my business and she knows who she is so it's no concern to anyone else
Different girls have different vibes that are cool in there own way. So thats a hard one. Some vibes are more attractive than others tho
I don't know an Ashley du Preez?.......
Nah jk lmao. She's an irritation to my life but still one of my fav people
Every year had its good moments but so far 2015 was the best
Just trying to be like you bru
I don't share my life on social media. Sorry fam
Hey A xx
Says the main weirdo
Lmao, I try
I have before but I don't anymore. I get to know the person before I can say anything
I do
Maybe the connection is strong enough so see past the absence and the reason why the same mistake is done repeatedly is because the guy doesnt know how to go about the situation. Maybe it's because he's love struck. Maybe he hasn't been in a situation like this before and doesn't know what to do. Maybe he just doesnt want to lose her but doesnt know how to keep her...
The more you invest, the greater the reward. If you feel the connection then you should give it a go. If it works, great. If it doesnt then just see it as a learning opportunity. My motto is if you want something then go for it, till you get it. And that's exactly what I do
Deep. I like your thinking. Message me, you seem legit x
Lmao, we friends. But thank you lol x
The reason I wake up in the morning x
Depends on who you are
Toni, and maybe a few others
Uhm, hard one. I guess Kaylin, Lindsay and Zayyaan
Yes definitely lol. Who wouldn't, she's beautiful
So are you fam, much love xx
Favorite artist Kendrick, don't have a favorite song
Uhm I actually don't know. It just happens