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would bang you too, coz i know who you are le silly :P
Aslong as your emma, yesh
100% emma right here right now....please :c
okay baby:)
Why thankyou n.n
Well marriage is something for the future so if emma is in le future it will obviously be her. And her being in my future is ofcourse what I want^_^
Im not going to delete due to qn oppinion unless it pisses me off which you havent who is this, the statuses are dying down to wallposts and inboxes for that face, this stuff happens in a new relationship ofcourse but I know where your coming from
Because she is perfect and everything I look for in a girl
Coz I am :3 let me s*ck yo Dic*!
im not bi *exual dude, i find guys attractive i miiight kiss them but thats it, im just slightly confused bi curious to an extent so to say but no sorry...
whoooo is this!!! i love you too and im glad ive been a good impact <3
coz maccas is yummy **** ;) also its a joke from when i was like 7rnjs
why thankyou n.n ;)
Yes... o.o
Second drumkit for gigs and band
No ****...
Good for them but not my cuppa
Ohh red c: I'll love ya haha c:
I'd like to know who... Coz I never cheated on her... and who are you that is in love with me. I need to know these things. BTW I'd never cheat. I don't even have *ex that often in a relationship so what's the point in cheating when *ex doesn't interest me all that much...??
1 it's stacyrn2 I never did and never have. rn3 don't call me a ****... rn4 if you believe anything other then me then you're an idiot sorry... she makes up alot of ****!
She was a ****ing *****
She does...
You can have fun with that. I don't care just about *ex unlike pigs like you buddy Sinhalese fun with my sloppy seconds hope it tastes like my **** c; also *ex was great she was an over controlling rude ***** to me...
whos this and whos been saying what....?? please inbox me and itll be 100% confidential and between just us c:
i dont think i really like like anyone atm, i more just think a few people are good matches i guess or cute ya know people id consider, but idk tbh :S
okay :3
Awwwws that's really cute c': but sad coz idk who you are: c don't be embarrassed everyone likes someone from time to time <3
While is this I'm sure I like you too and that your nice also n.n
o.o idk
you deffs should, or tell me your name and ill inbox you so its easier :3 im sure your cute too n.n
just do it ;)we can then be besties now :3
Lol Wtf xD
Yep lol
Because: I treat people how I wanna be treated n.n
All you have to inbox is hii c: you don't need confidence for that c: maybe even like a really old pic randomly. C:
I do try c': if I knew who you are I might be able to find out why for you n.n inbox me <3
Ohh that's k**ky c;
Thanx and Yeah people are ****ed monica. It has something I got used to after school sadly
you dont know that, i like everyone, aslong as your nice to me, and stuffs you wont have a problem c: inbox me :)
okay haha tell me who you are lol, and sure your joking! lol ill take your word for it haha!
who are you xD
i haven't done anything *exual with a guy apart from groping and kissing/making out, my *exuallity is confusing okay..
aawwwws sweety please dont be scared to talk to me D: please c: im nice i promise :)
its **** xD
come do it then LOL
who are you, from affar itd be difficult for me to even know tbh so i do apologize, if you talked to me more, i might be able to get the picture abit better c: dont be shy c: worst comes to worst, well still be friends c:
cool, your that pathetic your telling me to kill myself via anon, do it with no anon next time wanker, and no i wouldnt give a tosser like you the satisfaction ;)
we had saex coz we were dating haha, and idk it was soooo long ago, i dont want to remember lol
umm LOL who the **** xD
well she shouldnt be c: itd just be nice to know but im respectful of her feelings c: but yeah she shouldnt be c:
hahaha i ment relationship wise xD and well ive never tryed it but i would like too xD hahaha!!
not really, im not ready for being tied down and comitment scares me still after my ex : but who is this that likes me, inbox me if your game or state there name please, id still like to know :)
ive never been sent any o.o
im not overly interested per say but id love to know who :3
yeah 3 times, last time was a year now c:
No I'm not lol o.o
hahaha i still know its you bella xD coz your the only one who calls me joshwua :P
Did Bella forget to put anon on c;
I think you're an Awesome chick. You're so nice and I love the style. You pull it off really well c: and you look so much older then you are it really surprise me xD
Coz idk who you are. I only s*ck on jarrads nipple as I\'m his Bit** c;
A girls body size doesn't effect me. But as long as it's healthy and not too skinny. I don't like girls being as skinny as me D: eye colour I love blue but I can like others too c: hair colour black blue red green purple colorful I don't mind and personality. Music lover. In to games, gigs, instrument and bands. Nice sweet and loves cuddles. Being cute. Ya know n.n
No and idk
I just did, keep asking stuff
No I havent
hmmmm... cow girl coz i like domination :3
if you mean tiana then you are funny :) well see aye c;
Shave normally but it's trimmed ATM (most of body actually) legs are hairy ATM but want to get rid of it and same with arms not as hairy but I wanna get rid of it...
Jarrad and felicity c:
im gathering gemma schofield, well, we used to be best friends, was a lovely best friend, had a mas*ive falling out after dating 2 years ago but we just recently became friends again,a nd shes just a nice a girl as she was c: im glad i have her as a friend again, shes sahh hardcore xD haha nahh but she lovely ^_^
tbh im almost completely over her now, i feel like i can move on with my life and this makes me happy n.n
Swaggy mc swag f**
This was so you Britt c;
Well I love her She's a great chick n.n fun to hang and a great cuddler c:
I hate how so many people tease her and bag her out Cox She's actually a really sweet sweet try friend c:
Y u no tell Me who you are n.n your so sweet!
You have no idea how much I actually have!
please tell me who you are, just inbox me with like a it was me or something :3 please! :D
Idk who you are but please inbox me on Facebook Coz I'd love to know who this is n.n I'm sure you're also adorable n.n
No I like someone else...
No There's a few reasons why
1 I'm faithful. Always have been and always will be
2 if I even wanted to I didn't have the time too. I lived with her
3 I love her. I'd never cheat
Simple c:
Idk who that is o.o
What is 'cheereeeezeles'...?? O.o
Yeah I would and if you respected women then you'd still care even if she won't date. You look else where. She's not interested... Trust me I doubt you know what real love is.. sorry to be a hard as*
Thoughts on:
Jordyn is a nice guy. Thought he hated me for abit but Yeah haha
Tulli is a sweet girl. Really nice c:
Beth is like my sister so I love her unconditionally c:
And amber is a great girl. Cray cray when drunk though. No amber I don't wanna play footsies in bed at 4am xD
You were. Things just... happened
have fun with that buddy o.o
b*ms are okay. Most people like t*** bit an as* is always good to grab if that\'s what you means..??
I don't have an opinion on them I guess. There just..well..balls...??
f*** YEAH!
Is face why...??
Not really
Too many!
I don't like butthole o.o
Umm lol no