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Just cruisingggggg
Sure thing mane
Can't name anythingggg:)
Faxing Berlin - Deadmau5
Movies and lunch with the girl!
No I wouldn't .
Courtney and Leanne!(:
Yeah I'd go with a goood size I suppose. Not gonna massively talk myself up or some **** hahahah;)
Kate Langtry!:(
Ah, my name is Dave, and I, am the stuntman.
Hi, I'm Dave, and I also, like to party.
Jd, Bearman and Boschen!
Basically nothing except those who have the heart to talk you down without you knowing.
Haven't hit one yet I don't think
What?! No never, that's absurd;)
Mattyyyyy Wansink
All of them look absolutely stunning but Courtney and Jayde topped it for me I think!(: how about the guys for you?
I've always said that I wouldn't mind if I died this very instance. So I really don't care:)
Don't even know right now... I'm feeling pretty neutral with everyone
Karlee Smith, Kate Langtry
I dont even watch game of thrones?! :'( omg
Boys - Bearman, Boschen, Matt Girls - Jayde, Kate, Karlee
Can of tuna would be waayyy easier to down hahaha.
Yes, might not be who you're thinking of though. And why call me a dog?
I definitely know someone! But also won't say here...
Its just the biggest waste of time and is just useless. Anyone can still contact me if they really want to by any other means, so im not gone:)
Hahha well we do chemistry together. That count!?
Um, well what do you see that I don't?
haha alright fair enough!(:
Barely remember it hah
No I don't (: And sorry for thee late reply!!
Umm really nothing ay.
Definitely people I'd get with but nah no one I really really want to get with!!
Dude, hookups actually didn't even cross my mind!
People who have just no energy towards the small things and lack all inspiration for their future dreams...
Mobbing hills on my board <3
Well we clearly aren't close friends then.
Cool cool
It's staying sweet!
Closest guys. Jd, Bearman, Boschen. Closest Girls. Jayde, Kate L
Wait Jess what?!
Hahah 'Jamies'
dude that makes no sense. but true.
Fo sure!! :)
I wish dude!
Too many people make me giggle. But Matty is cool.
Yeah so should of damn it ;)
I was with three guys last night hahah. Where'd you think I was?
Can't answer honestly, mixed feelings with different people.
Usually do.
No I don't. She's quite cool though (:
Hmm not really to be honest.
No because that means I friendzone maself. love you too much ;)
Go ahead hahah.
Brookie we don't talk </3
Talk to me duude.
Hahahha cause.
Jayde, Tara, Caitie, Kate L, Jordy.
gee wiz sounds awesome.
Such a nice and friendly girl, one of my best friends in primary school! Its been days though since then and I think most of the friendship disappeared :(
Hahha very sorry. third.
As far as they generally wish. But inbox me if you please (;
Left this pending for ages, and still can not be bothered answering hahha.
Liam Bearman.
Dennis because you are simply the siqqest lad.
Thats right man<3
Jess don't **** with me, it was an ordeal and a half ;)
Alright I will : )
Well i watched Titanic for the first time 2 nights ago, and I may have been tearing up a bit.
To be honest, basically everyone I was friends with. Just had such a good time with everyone :))
Hmm basically never. Well, don't have one at the moment if thats what you're probably trying to ask.
Aw don't mind you too Brookeey ;)
Such a good friend to me, so kind hearted and lights up my day!
Taking off my socks with my feet, while in bed <3
Don't actually remember hehe.
Hmm actually nothing I regret so I'd do anything again.
Thank you, you're a bit of a cutie too ;)
What school are from?
Hmm she'd know.
I'd talk to her obviously! (:
within school or ever? :o
You know what, that doesn't sound too bad! But why 27 years?! ; )
Im thinking about it, but its has a lot of computer staring involved so I'm not sure! :)
Wow yeah you are probably right!
But how do you think I would feel towards you if i knew who you were?
Hmm very mysterious much? ;)
There is no one i truly hate, some people annoy me a little. And I'm sure there would be someone who 'hates' me but I don't know.
Well if it so happens, you can have those two pieces!
My longboard and telescope. That way they're always on the move, and can then see into the skies, past every problem bound under our atmosphere, in the small world we know as home.
You know it ; )
I reckon you're wrong ;)
Adam Colton<3
An actual joke i think!