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Rejoice A


Go ahead✨

382 Replies

Do you like Jake or Logan Paul? Who's your fave

I like both but prefer Jake Paul❤?

joy.sie replied 2394 days ago

Primary school?


joy.sie replied 2394 days ago

Goals for 2018?

You'll know as they happen?

joy.sie replied 2395 days ago

Why you not posting both on Instagram and Blog

As for Instagram, I really don't know mahn??
Blog, I'm trying to sort out my stuff. I really need to learn how to manage my time.

joy.sie replied 2396 days ago

How do you stay so slim, what do you eat and what do you avoid

I'm not slim?? I just eat anything that's nice

joy.sie replied 2396 days ago

What do you want in a guy

God knows

joy.sie replied 2396 days ago

Do you know for itsjstjoan_

If yes what do you think about her?

Is she cool?

Yesss, she is cool.

joy.sie replied 2396 days ago

Hi baby❤ bbyfay.x

Hello Nanona✨❤

joy.sie replied 2396 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

I'll try and adjust to the changes. But it won't be easy?

joy.sie replied 2463 days ago

What's something you fell in love with instantly?

Wine gums❤

joy.sie replied 2468 days ago

How much money do you need right now and why ?

Just enough for me to travel w my friends and enjoy life???

joy.sie replied 2495 days ago

Why are you single?

Did you see me date?

joy.sie replied 2498 days ago

What do you think of your current friends/classmates

They're chilled but get on my nerves as well.

joy.sie replied 2498 days ago

What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?


joy.sie replied 2500 days ago

How mch is the voucher tht u won at Cotton On?


joy.sie replied 2515 days ago