Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Honestly non of you business ?
Honestly non of you business ?
Dm me, then I'll let you ?
When vhet not dating ,? we just super close friends
We are not on anything ?? we are on a friendship yes ?
No we are not , we just close friends ☺
Jooooooo dawg I really dont know ??focusing so much on us that they got kxk reports ??
Jooooooo been a while , ?yes of cause just message me and we can go do that??
Dankie dankie
Is yah kaak lekker ?
Lol, nah meche ain't as lekker as you think, but you can go chyce my old slice if you want bruh ?
Nagani for your taanie bruh ????
Dont worry about me bruh ??
Matured reasons , ?
So how was your day ? ??
Nah I'm too humble to move from girl to girl ,??
Western cape sports school , grade 11
Kuilsriver silver oaks ,
Nah , she is already with other niggurs and what not so I doubt we will , ?
Nah just wanted sometime , but I see she is happy single so, I'll let her do her ?
Awesome girl yes,. What about her?
?it was said that I apparently got with my friends mom???
Only time will tell?
I love you tooooo bubs???
My one and only ?
Who is asking?
Qiraan the idiot ?
Humble moods
Reading lekker stories online??
Getting with some girl's??
Anyone that wears jordan takkies?
Who Is that?
Nah , my girl will hurt us both ? she crazy af, thats why I love her ???
What about us? Yes we together ?
Real af , I love her ??