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248 Replies


I mean... same though

juliet_viljoen replied 1489 days ago

I really would like to tell you who I am, but than I would just be looking at you like wow how did I get someone so special in my life and than watch someone date you, you don't know how much people are standing in line because who wouldn't want to date Needme

I just want to be able to say thank you for being so sweet to me 🥺

juliet_viljoen replied 1492 days ago

We've never really hung out, but I would really like to, when lockdown allows us to🥺

I would love to!!! 🥺

juliet_viljoen replied 1492 days ago

You're beautiful I know I say this like a 100x just get use to it because I would say it 100x more Needme

Who are you 🥺 you make my day!

juliet_viljoen replied 1493 days ago

Wow that answer made me smile 1000 times, don't ever change who you are, the little that I know about you is so amazing stay beautiful and you will see every single boy would come running after you Needme

You’re too sweet ^w^ xx

juliet_viljoen replied 1493 days ago

Why are you so kind in this cruel and mess up world?

I’m not sure what to say
It’s morbid but we are all going to come to an end, so why be an awful human <3

juliet_viljoen replied 1494 days ago

Hopefully one day I could make you mine stay safe stay beautiful and stay kind. Stay amazingly beautifully kind Needme

Who is you 🥺

juliet_viljoen replied 1494 days ago

I think if you knew the names of all the people who liked you, it would be quite a list to go through😍

I don’t know about that...

juliet_viljoen replied 1494 days ago

Just love me already

But, I don’t know who you are 🥺

juliet_viljoen replied 1495 days ago

Where were you my whole life just fall into my arms and never leave them

I cannot fall into unknown arms!!

juliet_viljoen replied 1495 days ago

I don't know how you are so amazing. I wish I could be with someone like you😊

You’re too kind 🥺

juliet_viljoen replied 1495 days ago

What religion are you on?

I don’t know yet
Gotta find the right one for me <3

juliet_viljoen replied 1495 days ago

You're the reason for my smile so once in a while I am glad I can make you smile ☺. You show me that in this ugly world there are still amazing beautiful beings like you that make it beautiful. My hugs are always for you

This overwhelming sweetness really has made my day and I think it’ll make the rest of my week as well 🥺💕 you make me smile so much!!!

juliet_viljoen replied 1496 days ago

Just an anonymous reminder that you are so awesome and fantastic and I can’t wait till after lockdown when we can actually hang out 😱

I know who this is AND I AGREE!! 🥰🤗 and you’re also super awesome and amazing and I hate being so bad at answering messages 🤦🏼‍♀️

juliet_viljoen replied 1496 days ago

Can i just make you mines? Needme

I- but I don’t know who this is

juliet_viljoen replied 1496 days ago