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273 Replies

The most expensive item you own?


justebonyrose replied 3649 days ago 1

I like your shoes in your profile picture xx

thank you xx

justebonyrose replied 3650 days ago 1

Actually I'm not Rachel- and I would never defend you, you selfish cow

i never said it was rachel lewl

justebonyrose replied 3660 days ago 3

Ebony you are getting so full of yourself- think about other people for once and stop being a selfish *****!

i know who you are so stop sending me hate then like a minute later sending me a qooh defending me

justebonyrose replied 3660 days ago

Oh and another, things are worse in other schools so run in away from the problem like a coward does fix it! Or are we not good enough for you? Are some of us not wealthy enough? Pretty enough? ... You just back stabbed everyone

this hate is so wrong on so many levels, I'm not running away from problems and the backstabbings not the reason im moving, and really i don't care how wealthy or pretty you are, how have I back stabbed anyone I never said anything bad about anyone but the school so calm down

justebonyrose replied 3662 days ago 1

That is really rude ebony, you have been back stabbed? Get the fûck over it, you think that going to another school will stop that. Well guess what you are WRONG. You are basically calling everyone at our whole school either a bîtch or an aššhole

oh sweetie, I never called anyone a ***** or an ***hole, I already have gotten to know the people I wanted to and I don't need to get to know anyone else, also I called the school a ****hole not the people, stop putting words into my mouth

justebonyrose replied 3662 days ago 1

Leave Ebony the fûck alone!! She can wear what ever the fûck she wants!! If you had a body like Ebony's why wouldn't you wanna show it off! lanieastwood

ahahah thank you honey xx

justebonyrose replied 3676 days ago

Who are you dating?

mmmm that's for me to know

justebonyrose replied 3683 days ago

get some clothes on in you profile picture

wait a minute... what's that?? a top?!? and shorts?!?! oh my ****ing jesus it's clothes!!!!

justebonyrose replied 3687 days ago 5

no offence but alanna is way hotter then u

saying no offence doesn't make it any better, please get off your phone and do something productive with your life because sending backhanded complements on a Sunday is just sad, no offence

justebonyrose replied 3689 days ago 8

One thing you like about yourself?

i liked my nose piercing

justebonyrose replied 3689 days ago

Current mood?

ate a lot of food

justebonyrose replied 3693 days ago

Please please please don't leave warrandyte you mean so much to me and I will be so devastated if you go :(

aww who is this, and sorry I'm already enrolled

justebonyrose replied 3694 days ago

when are you moving schools (date)?

year 9 onwards

justebonyrose replied 3698 days ago

What time do you sleep?

anywhere between 9pm and 5am

justebonyrose replied 3699 days ago 1