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Don't think so ?
Well °̩ really don't care about ppls laugh ! ..I'm chilled about that **** ! (:
Do you eet **** ? °̩ guess not right!
Its okay !no avence °̩ have seen beta :)
No I'm not that tipe of girl love !(: to earn me you need to work..
Of ni ?vra jou ...♡ tani ?ill **** you up nigga !:)
°̩ would ****in day -_-
Yes yes °̩ do!
Awh!that's sweet..
My dad will mind!
°̩ donno but if they are rude it means there mother's don't give them enough ****
Do you like getting your **** cut off ? ...mmm no right!
Well personality ofcourse !*no one °̩s that shalow..(;
Nah! It was really nice to say that..
Awh !<3 that so cute ..(: but I'm really sorryyy to say this but that °̩s kinda corniii !*-*
How about no !
My friends & brother !
Everyone °̩s amzzing & perfect °̩n there own way ...& awh that's so sweet !<3
Yeah no ! Depends how °̩ know the guy..
Awh!<3 that's so true ..ek & my [muffin buddy] sal saam rook ..dit °̩s manet oz keuse ! (: the rest of you [sorryy for my words]go f'yourself !-no avence ..(: have a nice day ..we all have our own choices !°̩ made mine ..:D
Haha ...:D nice try !(; next time maybe *
Awh! <3 thatso sweet I'm just a normal person everyone °̩s beautiful !;) °̩n there own way !
Uhh..yeah & this °̩s ...:D
Why °̩s everyone so qeustionii about the smoking thing.... & no I'm not why would °̩ ?
Niksi dit °̩s manet iets wat ek geniet !*:D & danQii maar togi so mooi ni :q
Awh !*hey caity miis sisa ...<3 miss you gang amounts !!:q can't wait to c you again ..gonna be amazzing you loads!*:D
Well °̩ do coz °̩ was not told to but °̩ wanted to & yeah so that hapend no °̩ smoke :q ..owh & awh <3
Miss you two!*
Awh <3 !*love you loads mii [h•b•'Sis] miss you ..stayy amazzingly pretii :q missing youz!*
Jah ek °̩s !*
You would love to know [verii specaiiil person <3]
Most probably the toilet..:q !*¤