I miss how close we were D;
Pls tell me who you are??? :( I most likely miss you too..
Ever been prego?
..... yes?
Fastest car have you been in ? And the fastest have you gone?
A supra. And 190 down the highway.
Do you smoke or do drugs.
Ok do you like burnouts or going fast or just a cruiser person.
Burnouts and going fast. Its kinda in my blood hehe.
So supercharged or turbocharged car ?
Yup. n_n
Favourite car ? Whats your favorite thing to do now ?
GTR or a Supra.
And to listen to music and browse Tumblr.
Are you a gamer girl or enjoy playing computer xbox or Playstation?
All three. Plus Nintendo. :)
What would you do to get away with murder
Nothing, I wouldnt kill someone no matter how much i dislike them.
Would you rather black guy with white **** or white guy with black ****.
Ummm.. its not a good question sorry.
Whats your favorite $ex position
I dont actually have a favourite.
This got boring where was the most public place you went commando in. Which mean no panties.
Melbourne Flinders street. XD My partner aproved.
Of you were to die in a couple of hours what would you do. And what would you kast words be .
Spend time with my daughter and write her 50 birthday letters. The last words I would say would be I'm sorry.
Favourite color. Favourite past time activity?
Blue, & hmm. I dont know.
Cats or dogs or both
Whats the biggest lie you haventold to get away with something
I didnt do it mum.
What do you belive life is about and do you belive we evolved or god made us ?
Living is just one stage of our lives. I believe we evolved but we made god up to make our race seem special and important and to comfort ourself and our children because the thought someone is watching over us is a comfort to most.
What is you favoute style of fancy underware g string lacey boylegs etc?
Anything lacey is a go for me.
Why would you want to change you stomach shape ?
Because Its a gross shape..
I am sorry if you have left to sleep i understand well what is your favourite eye colour.
What would you rather a good looking muscle man with no brian or heart or a worse looking guy with avaerge body but have heart ?
heart hunny.
If you could chnage some thing on your body what would it be and why?
my stomach shape.
I am sorry i started to fall asleep and i think i missed you and you went to sleep. Well sorry :(
Im going out for a smoke brb
Nope lol haha
:( pls just inbox me, I hate being left in the dark/
Cant belove have made nearly half these qoohme on here sorry
lol its kay.
I live in a small town away from another town
.... Okay seriously.. Your Kasey, You live in Numurkah. you drove me home once and You literally have a girlfriend named Sherelle.
Okay well i am going to u o i see your busy with your daughter. I dont want to intrude takk to yiu next time . Bye
I was cooking myself some food and my phones flat.. so I have to use the computer.
UMMM.... Where do you live?
Starting to sound a bit harsh i belive sorry.
me? :O
If you gussed why wouldni tell i said that i was to stay anon and if you think you know to fb message me but .. keep guessing if you wish
im feeding bubs with one hand and i dont want to message the wrong person...
I would what ?
tell me.. if i guessed it to message you so i assumed you would tell mne
As i said even if you guessed i wouldnt tell so guessing is piontless lol.
you told me you would? ...
I am dieng here waiting for a replý some times worried you figured it out and wont reply to me no more...
I wont stop replying. ;O
Whats better to know who i am and leave your life or not know and still be around in the shadows
why would you leave once I know?
im batman
thats a pretty good secret.
Ok well when you are done let me no i have nothjng to do tomorrow so i can wait all day ...
Okay hunny. :0
wanna know a secret?
You angry about me blabering about sht thats private . In my case or yours.
No, I'm not angry :)
I know you through a person but we met at your skool a few times pretty sure. I used to drive if you know who i am fb me .
I still don't know... Which school hunny?
If you could have any superpower what would it be
I would be like Mystique from xmen.
What would you do to find out who this is. And the stuff i have said is true.
Literally just find out and keep it to myself, I cant stand people who blab about sht when its private.
I dont know what to say ask me a question not about my name ...ok
How do you know me? Is it through a person or just seeing me on a bus or staying near were i lived?
does the alphabet and twinkle twinkle little star have the same tune
Yes I believe it does! xD
Enjoy your life that you have a caring partn er and a daughter to love you have a family
Would you rather be the famous author of Twilight or the famous writer of every Nickelback song?
I dont see it as stuck haha you have a daughter to get up to in a few hours ruffly so dont stay up over me some guy talking to you on qoohme .. i was thinking of making one my self.
Shes awake anyway..
What other socail media do you have. Snapchat kik ?
smnapchat tumblr and twitter
Would you rather have the best house in a shtty neighborhood or the worst house in a fancy neighborhood?
Worst in a fancy neighborhood. because if you have the best in a shtty one then every fcker will break in and take your sht.
How many dog's have You fcked?
None, unless you count my partner.
Not Cool Aaron. Not Cool.
It is for me sorry if you want we can talk agian another time or would you like to keep talking tonight?
Well I can't go to bed until I find out.. So I suppose you're stuck with me.
Hahha even through fb messages i cant. you have a family a man and a lifeand a daughter haha dont need me in anywhere there
Its not a big deal? I wont tell anyone.
Would you rather sht napalm or piss nytroglycerine?
neither pls
We have never talked on fb ever .
would you rather eat a diarrhea filled calzone or a mug of period blood?
. no
You understand why you cant find out who i am we never talk and all this cant be found out ... for my own reason. This stuff is personal.
Tell me thru messages and I wont tell anyone?
Dont get upset i feel like a arse now sorry go to sleep will talk tomorrow i think akso back in the day you had a crush on me i think. But i do not know you never told me
have you ever....ever felt like this?
no joel. xD
My first name doesnt start w i a d t p .. sorry if you guess it i cant say yes.
im going to go insane. :(
And me knowing you went to a skool near maguire is for me to know. Sorry if i told you. Aguan it would mean you will know who it might be i cant tell you no matter what ... this is for me to be annon and stay at
And knowing any thing about my name will spell it out i can say you are a face book friend and i have 2 mutual friends with you. Sorry please go to sleep
pls just tell me the first letter?
Oh if you want me to stop and go at anytime tell me and anything you would like to talk to me about ask me a question if you want .. just by answering mine and asking back
I just really want to know who you are, its actually eating at me and I wont sleep tonight. -.-
Haha my first name would spell it out haha sorry.
First name and last names letter?
Nope i lived no where near you haha you will never guess haha sorry if this eats at your brian just worrie this hole thing is to make your mind think about something else you gave me a reason to talk to you and help you so i did
D: Well how did you know I went to a school near Mcguire?
Shirt dont know i just remeber trying to imagine you with no shirt on tbh i wont lie ...hmmm it used to be good. Sorry.
pls just tell me a first name?
I am 2 years to 6 years older then you .. not giving you my exact year... dont be cheeky
Okay... Hmmm.. You lived down the end of my street didn't you!
Dunno. Sorry my memory isnt the best for certain details only stuff i wanted to remember stays.
red or purple shirt? xD
Have you ever had this One thing i have been afriad of my hole life is being a dad it scares me and i worry i will be a bad dad no matter who tells me other wise i love my neices and i can look after them but ny own kids i dont know how i would cope
I did with my daughter when I first fell pregnant, but it just seems to come naturally to you and you eventually get past being afraid and try and be the parent you can be.
I am a male and older then you haha
How do you know that you are older than me? :o
Ok if i not wrong you went to the skool near maguire? Its been a long time.
Orrvale or Wilmot? :3
I remeber when i met you .. sounds crazy used to have dreams about you but never really had anything to do with you but dreams got me by but my life caŕried on like it had to but i am ok.
:O okay now Im extremely wanting to know.. I dont forget people tbh so Im so curious.. gurl or boy? :)
I could narrow it down but sorry i would never be able to tell. You can understand cant you
why cant you tell me?
If i tell you... you wouldnt bekove i freinded you a long time ago when you went to skool. Haha sounds stalker ish .. sorry
now i really want to know. I dont think its stalkerish :O
You really think you're not in the wrong here dont you? Please go fck yourself and any idiot defending you is just as bad as you and what you have done.
I hope when you look back on this and you're not fueled by rage that you will realize that no matter how hurt or pissed off you are that it's not okay to tell someone else to end their life.
I say the pathetic person would be the person abusing you over this thats pretty low. No matter what way you put it
Its hard for me too and they need to understand that i dont like hurting people but my family comes first..
Wow some people are hopeless and why would they blame you for something you dont have control over its like me being angry at someone for the sky being blue coz they told me it was blue
I understand why shes angry though.. I have destroyed a person and i have no control of it whatsoever.
Now what. Its bad you dont know who i am .. i know you but even if i told you who i was you wouldnt know.
Pls tell me?
You are so fcking pathetic. Someone throws their heart at you and you let them suffer for years. He was mine and you still took him without even fcking trying. Please kindly go kill yourself so he can morn you and move on and be happy.
Please don't abuse me.. I know I cant be his because I belong to someone else and im sorry that his hurting but it would be wrong to break my family apart to make a single person happy. He has to move on, Im not trying to keep him, he chooses to stay.
Okay well what now .. trying to keep your mind off something but...
Thankyou so much for doing so, its working.
Are you single and redu to mingle
No sweetie. Im one hundred percent taken and if I do happen to become single I can tell you that I will never love another person. My heart is already to scarred beond repair.
Have you sent nudes before and are you proud of your body ?
I have sent nudes to my partners but it takes a LOT of coaching because Im so ashamed of my body and have an extremely low self esteem.
Ok any one night stand and how often do see a hot guy and wish he was yours.
Never any one night stands and never. Only two people have had my heart and im not willing to let anyone else close.
Do you like chicken or fish better?
Chicken by far! D:
Who do you look up to and why ?
Uh.. I actually dont have anyone i look up too.
Does size matter for you with a guy or does girth matter or how they use it .
How they use it most definitely but a bigger size is always good too.
How big are your boo*s? I would have asked you in inbox but I'm heaps shy and so jealous of you haha ><
:o Double D.. pls come off anon. <33 Theres nothing to be jealous about Im nothing special. :3
can you do my makeup?
Come off anon then? :o
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
Eyes... ugh $exy eyes make my knees quiver.
You're gorgeous and thank you for sticking up for me and being there for me when I've needed you.
You have never once left me alone in the dark, you have always helped me.
I love you pretty girl. jessieannexox
I love you too beautiful. You have a amazing soul and I hate seeing people try and bring you down when you have so much potential and love to give to the world. Stay strong, no matter what gorgeous. <33
why dont you model?
Seriously I know yourr tryjng to be nice anon but im not pretty enough to model nor do i have long legs or flawless skin..
your beautiful.
Ty bby. <33
are you aware that your boyfriend uses you for *ex and messages me for a good time?
I dont know who you are but me and our daughter come before some b**tycall sweetheart.
are you bi *exual?
Yes bby and proud of it. <33
send me nudes? xoxo
What's under your bed?
Nothing. Seriously i have no gap under my bed and the floor. .-.
Who's you're current partners worse ex girlfriend?
Ehh there is always one for every partner. And I don't want to mention the one I hate most. :/
I love you, so very much and have done for so long. But I never told you this in school when I seen your cute face walk the courtyards with your pretty curly hair and adorable freckles that you couldn't quite cover with make up.
Come off anon! its so adorable that I don't know what to say to it. O:
Hey are you still dating that f**?
what? :s
Who would you take a bullet for?
My partner. <3
What do you miss about your childhood?