What is your biggest fear?
hottest girls at MLMC
there's heaps
What is your ringtone?
I can't afford a phone
thoughts on amy jones
Hot, nice , good to talk to , but always bully's me
hottest girl at lilydale highschool?
Idk theirs heaps
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
I can't afford school
What turns you off in a person ?
A lot of things
Is Dylan the hottest year 8
Yeah love him
thoughts on cass Tschuma?
don't know her well, seems really nice, really attractive wouldn't mind getting to know her better :)
Do you play footy ? You should if you don't
No I don't, why should I play a sport I don't like?? I enjoy riding my bike with mates most weekends!
do you know any hot year 7's
you are extremely good looking, xx
Nice joke haha :)
thoughts on sarah fontana, tayla kohn and kristen otte
There cool
What pisses you off the most?
Year 7s
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
A famous motocross rider
Avenged sevenfold is like heavy metal/metal core
There alright but I like heavy bands like ocean grove and feed her to the sharks
Your hot ;) what's your kik
Hahahahaha cheers,jakewernicke probs won't even kik me but yolo
Do you like music like avenged sevenfold
What type of music is it
thoughts on montana cleverly
Yeh not bad thanks
Thoughts on cooper shaw
Ye good yourself ?
thoughts on jaymie burton?
Ye good thanks
Your next smartphone?
Probs the iPhone 1000
Put your **** in me anyway you want in my my as* my ***** till it comes out my mouth again. *** in my as* so I can drink it and il squirt on you the lick it off you and I'll even split my ***hole for you please **** me
Hottest girl from ringwood
Not sure
Please go out with me
Mum said I can't :/
youre pretty attractive ;)
cheers ;)
Why in the **** not
U arkin me
I really really like you and I think your the best looking person ever please go out with me <3
Best mates
Too many too name
Your hot
5 hottest girls in order
Too hard :(
thoughts on felschy?
He's a siq cuunt
Bloods or crips?
Bloods all da way
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
I don't care cuunt its a gay show or whatever it is fuk u and your family 100+ I will find you and all your Jewish friends and kill you all with a spoon you weak cuunt don't ever talk to me again or ask me questions you GC
thoughts on sinead? (:
Nice attractive don't really talk tho
Thoughts on Natalya??
I don't really know her , but seems nice
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
Trying this jump when it was wet as fuuck
Thoughts on ebony campbell xx
So nice, very attractive haven't seen her in ages and a good person to talk to :) xxx
Thoughts on Brooke Marshall
Sooooo attractive really nice, good to talk to,would like to get too know her better (:<
Thoughts on eliza ?
Nice, funny , pretty and is very very rude in class
Who would you take a bullet for?
What's your snap chat ?
Ps thoughts on Elise plunkett
Jakewernicke Elisa no -.-
What bores you about people ?
Idk man what bores you about people ?
Your father's name?
HAHAHAAH f***** do it
~ Elise
Don't be mean to me :(
thoughts on holli gordon
Nice funny pretty and is cute with big boi nic ;)
A long Thought on
Elise plunkett
Cbf Elise ;)
Who makes you happy?
How much is enough money for you?
idk hahaha
Thoughts on elise plunkett
nice,attractive and talk that much
I can do a double backflip on a dirt bike u jelly
hey adam or Dylan HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Thoughts on Lily
who is that ??? :'))))
What do you think about the most?
motocross and skate n' shiit
Thoughts on emily osborne and leah del
emily~ attractive, nice, don't talk, leah~ attractive, and so funny :') and a nice person
sorry jake omg :( -eliza
thoughts on eliza
so bloody mean to me not even funny :(
Thoughts on Emily O? :)
Emily who??
jake your music sounds like yoda..please stop listening to it
I don't get it ? HAHAHHAHA
thoughts on sinead? x
nice, attractive don't talk tho
thoughts on jemma d
hey Jemma, she's pretty attractive, nice, don't talk much
ew don't lick my eyeball you freak
what's a eye ball
Yah jake your a a s shole
my eyes hurt, help
I'll lick your eye ball
so good looking, so nice & funny, haven't seen you in ages or spoken to you in ages :( xxx
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
don't have one
sorry but you don't deserve anyone your an a s shole (:
How are you on this fine evening ?
Something you will never be good at?
Probably maths or English HAHAHHA
thoughts on Shelley heard? xx
she's mint so nice and kind, good friend :**
just saying your a c u nt to girls, you treat them like ****(:
**** up you gay c u n t take it off anon you soft c o c k hahahah
A song they should play at your funeral?
Saviour vomit
Um why did you get this is you won't answer the question?
Cause I'm hecksiq with a Q what about you ?
Why can't you just answer it hahaha
Why can't you just piss off hahaha
5 prettiest girls from 6MR
M8 stop I will destroy your whole family
What is your mother's name?
i sold her
5 hottest girls in primary school.
can't remember
Thoughts on britt cubitt?
She's mint so nice and funny haven't seen her in ages:(
5 prettiest girls from 6MR
I can not answer this question at this time please try again later
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
Your mother
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
don't have one ahahahahahaha :((((
5 hottest year 8s at your school?
um there's not many but bianca & tahlia are the hottest >:)
What would you like to ask God?
get me a nice house with some *****es wbu?
thoughts on drew sells
hey drew, nice guy, good mate, funny little ranga ;) & nicee
What is the one thing you think people hate about you?
don't ask me 100+
thoughts on Olivia Caesar
don't really know her too well she's nice & pretty & has a good taste in music ahahaha
Thoughts on nick turner?
nice guy, funny, don't talk very much anymore
Your so ****ing hot id like climb you like a tree
wouldn't that hurt :(
Id **** you anytime. Any place.
that's cute
thx adam u *exy beast