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jamie lee


be kind

799 Replies

What is bigger left or right ??(u know who)

Your dad will know ? love you ivies?❤

jxmes replied 2489 days ago

If you could got to one place in the world where would it be?

My bed

jxmes replied 2489 days ago

yeah you might have gotten your best friend, but you were the reason behind all of her tears when they broke up. Just saying you're probably better than going after guys that are in relationships.

Luister hier so, I WAS NOT the reason they broke up. She stayed with him for another 2 months until he fcked one of our friends then she left him. And another thing. I had no idea he was in a relationship, why am I the bad person. He was in the relationship not me. I love Britney with all my heart and I'm thankful for what happened otherwise her and I would never have met. She's the most beautiful person inside and out and she realised that she was far better off without brandon in her life. Thanks.

jxmes replied 2490 days ago

How did it feel making out with Brandon even though he was dating Britney?

Well I got my best friend out of it so it was worth it boo

jxmes replied 2491 days ago

i miss you & i love you so much trist___

I love you even more

jxmes replied 2492 days ago

plans soooon trist___


jxmes replied 2492 days ago

boo*IES trist___

They okay I guess

jxmes replied 2492 days ago

Good morning beautiful ❤️ I hope you have an amazing day and kick A$$ in everything you do x


jxmes replied 2492 days ago

Jesus Christ you’re a ****. A good old dad ****. ? you’re a pathetic pale cow with the attitude of an entitled little ****. Dumb poes white girl thinking she rules the fcking country ? You gonna go fcking no where with your attitude skank

Geez who hurt you so fcking badly? since I rule the country please leave.. go to a place where A$$holes like you are tolerated and wanted? my attitude might be stank but at least I'm not hiding behind anon ?? message me baby let's see if you have the balls to message the president ?

jxmes replied 2492 days ago

What do you look for in a relationship ?

Loyalty, fun, and gang love x

jxmes replied 2496 days ago

Do you like morning cuddles ? x

They're ok

jxmes replied 2498 days ago

Ever been involved with someone in a relationship whether they were happy in it or not?

Once, but didn't know he was in a relationship

jxmes replied 2498 days ago

Why have a qooh account if you just a btch about everything

Why are you on my qooh if you have a problem with what I say and do boo

jxmes replied 2498 days ago

Good morning Beautiful, hope you enjoy the rest of your day x

So sweet x

jxmes replied 2500 days ago

why you so rude

Jog on

jxmes replied 2502 days ago