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649 Replies

Whats 5 good things happening in your life now?

1. im probably changing to online schooling
2.i’m getting a mac desktop on sunday
3. i’m seeing my dad on saturday seeing my 3 year old nephew that is my absolute life on Saturday
5. i’ve stopped smoking for 1week and 5days now

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

Reply to: message me and you can, this means more to me than you could ever know

Hehehe I just went out on a limb to say how I see you. How can I message you?

instagram and we can go from there? my username is : hxly_bleach

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

Do u just act like a btch
Or a r u btch ?

how about you stop judging me and listening to rumors about me and get to know me and decide for yourself

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

i’m okay

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

There is something about you that outshines everything around you. Like you are a princess surrounded by a world you need to escape from. Unparalleled in beauty but fragile at heart. Wish I could know more about you. Maybe one day 💝

message me and you can, this means more to me than you could ever know

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

Hey my babs ❤ keep shinging bright 😍
Your Korean baby 😂❤❤

love ya♥️

jxnkhead replied 2061 days ago

I wish you knew how much I like you

message me and then i can😂♥️

jxnkhead replied 2062 days ago

It's not just simple I mean did you look yourself in the mirror

this makes no sense
learn to speak properly before you come with comments

jxnkhead replied 2064 days ago

How would person get your attention?

just talk to me tbh

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

Well I think you deserve nothing than the best


jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

Let me just say this you are beautiful and unique in every way and I think that you're perfect just the way you are and anyone who thinks otherwise is Cleary blind and can shove it

this means more to me than you could ever know

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

Why do you hate Darcy so much?

because of what she did to me after everything i did for her, she can s*ck my A$$

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

I think you have a unique personality

thank you

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

Why are you so pale lol do you not go outside or something

why you such a **** lol?

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago

You either take good pictures or you are that beautiful can't decide?

lol must take good pictures but thank you?

jxnkhead replied 2065 days ago