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°̩ won't becuz who say the celeb will date u!!*=D
When his a jerk and he treats me like cr**
HeHe 8!!* don't know haha!!*
Samsung galaxy S5!!*
°̩ don't know HeHe!!*
°̩ got sick and me and my best guy friend had °̩ bad fight!!!* :(
HeHe sal soo maak en bja danki!!*:p
Awww DanQii Almay en luvies juw ook ne en bly so awesome net soos j °̩s en danki dat j altyd hier °̩s vir my as ek iemand kort jys 'n super awesome Girlie!!!*(hug)*
Becuz he have a gf and °̩ stared having feelings for jonathan and now we dating and °̩ love jonathan soo much and no one °̩s gonna change that!!!*
°̩ don't act like °̩'m perfect and sometimes people must stop looking at me and look at them selfs becuz °̩'m not the one going and tell stuff that's not true!!!*
JD!!!* HeHe!!*
My family and close friends!!!*
Don't know there *̣s a lot!!*
It was the best ever!!!!*♡
Yes!!!* And u????*
Ummm ek dink ek weet wie j *̣s ping my oor bbm dan se eke juw!!!*♡
Ummm wie j as ek mag vra???* en Quinton *̣s 'n goeie vriend!!*
Well there *̣s this one guy ping me over bbm then *̣'ll tell you!!* (: xXx*#
*̣ really miss this one guy but he was just using me. . . . :( </3
Awww danQii en j ook en bly so awesome soos j is ne!!!*
*HeHe someone ping me over bbm then *̩'ll tell u!!* :p
Aww tnx you 2!!!*:p