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16 Replies

If you could save up to 11 people from the impending Zombie apocalypse, who would you save?

Emily, Sam, Megan, Brittany, Alex, Taylah, Waren, Daniel, Jayke, Ashleigh & myself of course :)

kaitiii98 replied 3669 days ago

Then everything thing will be alright

i highly doubt it

kaitiii98 replied 3739 days ago

What are you really good at?

screwing things up...

kaitiii98 replied 3739 days ago

You're beautiful, and I hope you know that. I'll always be here for you no matter what...
The tunnel won't last forever.. It never does <3

and if it does... what then...

kaitiii98 replied 3745 days ago 1

Who ever said that about Sam you obviously haven't met her. she is perfect. You don't understand what things like that do to people... So Sam, if you're reading this, don't listen to them, they're just jealous of your amazingness.. I'm out.. ~Nutella

i totally agree she is the most amazing person i love her <3 xo

kaitiii98 replied 3754 days ago 2

Why are you friends with Sam she is so ugly and weird !!

how dare you say that!!!! she is my best friend she has been my friend for 8 years now, i was one of her first ever friends when she moved to australia.. she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out, and no matter what she is my sister, cause family doesnt matter if your blood it matters on how they treat you and how you treat them and on loyalty.. and she means so much to me i would take a bullet her her as i would for all my friends.. and i know she is weird so am i everyone is nobody is normal and nobody is perfect...

kaitiii98 replied 3754 days ago 1

Thoughts on Megan Collins?

SUCH A *****!!! nah im actually glad ive gotten really close with her she is such an amazing person and has made me think twice about how i see myself she is so kind and caring and pretty and just an amazing person!! xoxo Love You Megan!! <3 xx

kaitiii98 replied 3754 days ago 1

What pisses you off the most?

my brother... my sister... IT... CACTUS... life... THE END!!!

kaitiii98 replied 3754 days ago

You're awesome, and amazing and all them words, I'm too blonde to think of smart words :|
Don't let anyone make you sad, and don't shed a tear for them, save that tear for something happy, like buying a Nutella cake, then you can use that tear

Aww thanks!!! xoxo and i would use my last tear for a nutella cake if i could :D

kaitiii98 replied 3754 days ago 1

The most boring person you know?

ebony devlin...

kaitiii98 replied 3817 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

My boyfriend, my family an my close friends not those friends that you have that just go on and on and on and on and I'm gunna stop now :)

kaitiii98 replied 3822 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

My boyfriend family friends and best mate that recently died :'(

kaitiii98 replied 3832 days ago

Thoughts on Tamarah Pretty?

shes so nice and amazing and pretty and i miss seeing her x

kaitiii98 replied 3850 days ago

Thoughts on Jimmy?

Jimmy said hi btw :3 xoxox

hi Jimmy :) xxx ahaha your an amazing person and so easy to get along with really pretty and a wonderful person wouldnt change anything about you <3 xoxo

kaitiii98 replied 3850 days ago

Dammmnnnnnn dat sneaky hand doe ;) ;) hahaha :') xx


kaitiii98 replied 3850 days ago 1