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Kaitlyn Cafari


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288 Replies

Do consider yourself a nice person or a rude person ?

do you always ask preposterous questions?

kaitlyncafari replied 3069 days ago

Why do u get so much hate mail ? Do u get in heaps of fights with people

go away

kaitlyncafari replied 3070 days ago



kaitlyncafari replied 3070 days ago

Hey are you okay because I heard that you like to make fun of people and be an absolute btch to people, only asking this because I thought you were sick and not like with a cold but with an issue!! Stop being such a s*ck up u won't get anywhere in life.

kaitlyncafari replied 3070 days ago

Why do u get so much hate mail ? Are u mean to people


kaitlyncafari replied 3074 days ago

Why don't you just leave us all alone? It's not getting you anywhere in life! What do you get out of it? Do you get happiness out of it or somthing? jesslee_._


kaitlyncafari replied 3074 days ago 1 1

Why u so mean to everyone no wonder u lost all ur friends?

awh you're sweet! and says the one that spends their time writing hate on someone behind a screen.. oooh

kaitlyncafari replied 3076 days ago

Ur an amazing friend and ur so nice and pretty. Ignore the haters because people only hate because they are insecure about them selfs. Thanks for being such a great friend. Love u

thanks, and who is this

kaitlyncafari replied 3076 days ago



kaitlyncafari replied 3076 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

because I'm 12 ?

kaitlyncafari replied 3078 days ago

why do u try so hard to make peoples life hell.
It's so funny no one gets hurt by it.?

I don't? and if you think that's funny then you have a strange sense of humour

kaitlyncafari replied 3081 days ago

You say to people that there weak because they can't put there name on something they asked you but neither do u. And if they did you'd run to the teacher and get them in trouble

aha I never said that they're weak and I don't put my name to things because I don't say things to people on this. and why would I run to the teacher when it doesn't even involve school?

kaitlyncafari replied 3081 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?


kaitlyncafari replied 3082 days ago

Maybe u wouldn't get so much hate mail if u wernt such a **** ?

doesn't bother me ? and it shows A LOT about the person doing it because they can't even put their name on it

kaitlyncafari replied 3085 days ago

What happened between u and your old friends


kaitlyncafari replied 3089 days ago