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kaitlyn pretty


Ask away. (:

1.1k Replies

how many children do you want to have?


kaitlynpretty replied 2883 days ago

do you have a boyfriend?


kaitlynpretty replied 2883 days ago 1

s l u t i'm going to slit your throat

can't wait

kaitlynpretty replied 2883 days ago 1

you're gonna get killed


kaitlynpretty replied 2883 days ago 1

I'm going to kill you

please do??

kaitlynpretty replied 2928 days ago

You are really beautiful

so sweet

kaitlynpretty replied 2930 days ago

Have you ever been dared to drink something/bought a drink, but really the person was trying to trick you into needing to pee?

no what the hell

kaitlynpretty replied 2930 days ago 1

How much do you have in your bank account ?

not enough for christmas

kaitlynpretty replied 2930 days ago

You are so beautiful I wish I could have you all to myself!


kaitlynpretty replied 2931 days ago

you're a h o e

thanks love

kaitlynpretty replied 2931 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?


kaitlynpretty replied 3281 days ago

you talk to so many boys you need to choose one and stick to them

considering I've being talking to the same guy for like 7 months, and in a relationship with him, lol go away with your crappp loser

kaitlynpretty replied 3374 days ago

Three people you miss most?

Sam Tormey and my nan and pop.

kaitlynpretty replied 3416 days ago


Kkkkkk m8

kaitlynpretty replied 3473 days ago

You're actually the biggest s l u t I know

Thx bubs

kaitlynpretty replied 3476 days ago