Kari Oosthuizen
Last song you listened to ?
Bad Liar ?
Is jy en Dylan saam ?
Yes. ?
Wtf is going on between you and Dylan rn?
Wtf has it got to do with you?
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
How much they drink or smoke.?
What do you want the most right now?
One of Dylan's back rubs. ????
Would you date a coloured guy in PV?
No. Chill with these questions now. ?
Can I have your number? xx
Why don't you ask my boyfriend? He probably has it. ?
Any hot colourds in pv?
Coloureds* And no, not really. ?
Jy is goals??? jou body en silent en don't even get me started on your eyes ??
Silent? ? Thank you though. ? Made my day. ??
Besides you and Dylan, who is the cutest couple for you???
Trichardt and Mia. Irene and Jannes ?
Are you single ?
Far from it. ?
What makes absolutely 0% sense to you?
Maths ??
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
Spelling mistakes ?
Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?
From SA but would want to go to all the hotspots in Europe and America ??
Your new word is smaklik
True true ??
Which word have you started using a lot lately ?
What is your New Year's resolution?
Nothing that'll last ?
Can I have your number?
Maybe if you dm on IG. ?
What is something that actually offends you?
Insulting my family or friends. Men disrespecting women or children.
Why is Dylan not on your status? IG
I forgot about it. Is it better now?
Did you spoil your boyfriend for Christmas?
With my budget, I tried to. ??
I think this Dylan dude doesn't treat you like he should. Definitely need more $ex than he is giving you
Ew no. Not getting anything and certainly don't want to. And that "Dylan dude" treats me like the princess that I am ?
Have you ever been in a situation where a guy teased you because he was able to go pee and you weren't?
Can't say that I have ?
So you cheated on Dylan?
Where tf do you get that? And please do me a favour, either tell me why you are so interested in my relationship or fck off.
So you're saying Dylan is alot with other girls? Does that not bother you?
Since it bothers you so fcking much - name the girls? Or better yet say where?
What do you think about the most ?
Dylan van Wyk. ❤ (and sleeping ?)
I see Dylan alot with other girls ?
Well done. You're not blind. ?
Such ugly ****
Not what your boyfriend said last night ☺
What's pissing you off right now ?
Not having wifi or food. ?
How are you feeling right now?
Pretty good. Tired. ?
What if Dylan cheated on you with his sister's friend??
Literally the dumbest question?
You very ugly but he opposite?❤
Luckily for me, he loves me even though "I very ugly." And unfortunately for you, he's uninterested in stupid btches or for that matter, any girls 'cause he is happily taken.
What if Dylan broke up with you what would you do???
Be heartbroken and probably cry for like a week nonstop. ?
How can you be so desperate?
How can you be so cowardly? Next time grow some balls and at least show your name.
Girl, kan ek net sê neh. Jys rerig mooi ?en hierdie fake btches wat comments op jou Qooh vra is on nodig en moet 'n lewe kry??, want honestly jy is 'n ray of sunshine☉☉??
Hierdie het my dag gemaak. Baie dankie. Ek's seker jy's net so beautiful ??
What are you sick and tired of?
Exaammmmssss ??
Why did Mia delete her Qooh.me ?
Haters ?
You're so ugly.
Do you feel better about yourself now, sweetie? ?
What makes your life worth living?
Friends, family, my pets and Dylan. ?
How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?
It has had it's ups and downs. ?
So you are dating someone who cheated several times on you?
So you keep asking the same questions over again?
You are beautiful?a precious gem to this world ,haters are gonna hate dont let anyone pull you down sweetie??you are worth more than all the gold all the money and any riches of the earth?i love you❤dont let anyone pull you down.
Joh, this is so special. ? Thank you so much. Please please DM me. I love you too! ❤❤
What's an instant turn off for you?
A big ego and no sense of humour ✋
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
Bye bye SA ?✈
How did you meet your best friend ?
13 years ago at Somerset Kidz ?
Did dylan really cheat on you?
Ya, was a long time ago though. Worked past it. Happier than ever now. ❤
Joh, ek het ń beautiful vriendin...mis jou ?
My arabiese maatjie is way mooier. Mis jou ook, Karien. ??
Jou bf is kak irriterend en windgat
Jy ken hom duidelik nie. Jy kan altyd nie jou naam hide nie en dit dan kom sê. ☺
Netjiessssss ?
Jannes ??
What was the best decision of your life?
Choosing the friends I have and started talking to Dylan waayyy back. ??
Hiiiiiiii Karels ❤️??
Hiiiiiiii een van my vriendinne - ek neem aan Lindi. ???
To the d I ck that keeps trying to say things to my beautiful girlfriend,she has someone that kisses her already ? so why don't you go fantasize about your mom ? or your welcome to come speak to me
- Dylan ?
Did you and Dylan break up?
No, we're still very much together. Just had a small hiccup. All good now though. ??
But seriously. Such a body should not go to waste ?
I don't see how it could? ? But once again, thanks ?
Jislaaik but you are hot. Man that bikini pic. ? I want to kiss you all over
Jissie, raak rustig ? But thank you ?? xx
Answer me, is she as irritating as she looks??
No!! ?
Is she really as irritating as she looks?
Dude. Seriously? ?
She looks really irritating though.
Well then luckily she's not your best friend or third wheeler ?
The girl that 3rd wheels you and Dylan every morning-doesn't she irritate you??
Mia? The one with my long, brown hair? ?Not at all. She's one of my best friends. She probably gets more irritated with me and Dylan than the other way around. ?
Hello my mede boontjie?
Hiii Lindi ??
What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?
Make your parents proud, your enemies jealous and yourself happy. ?
Why so pretty??
Thank you ? x
(Hierdie is of Mia of Lindi ??)
What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?
Taking a sht ?
What have you never truly gotten over?
How short a weekend is. ?
No movie this weekend? Only mall?
I don't know. Not good movies showing and don't have a lot of money ?
Gaan jou bf nie kwaad word as ek joy DM nie
Ek het mos nou vir jou gesê jy kan as jy wil so jou hoef nie te worry daaroor nie. ?
Who is your favorite person and why?
Dylan (most of the time) ? He's a good listener, adorable and makes me happy. ?
Hey, miss jou
Mis jou probably ook ? (dm as jy wil)
Why did you and Dylan break up the first time?
Things/people came between us.
You are my secret crush
Tenks Dylan ?❤
What does your name mean ?
Pure of heart ✨
Hoe't jy geweet dis ek?????
Ek's psychic ?
What was your first kiss like?
Pretty awkward ?
girl why you so pretty?
Jy's even mooier, Mia ?
Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?
2006, when I met most of my friends and didn't have a care in the world. ?
What are you tired of?
what thing would you most like from another country/overseas?
Exploring beautiful scenery with someone I love.
What's a lesson you learned the hard way?
Don't depend on others for your happiness.
What would make your day?
To see my boyfriend ?
Whats annoying you right now?
Too many people
Do u describe yourself as popular or unpopular ?
Uhmm.. Probably in the middle? Quite average
What mistake will you never make again?
Tell certain people everything
You and Dylan make the cutest couple, think you guys will last long
Thank you. So do I ❤
How long do you think you and Dylan will last ?
Can't say but we still going strong. So hopefully for a pretty long time