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84 Replies

Jy is my gunsteling ❤️❤️. Ek is so dankbaar vir jou ? - J

awhhh ???

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Don't listen to that fool who sent you that caring thing, you have alot of people who care about you. The person who blows up your ohone is dang annoying ? thats shxt
-C ❤️


karisdan replied 2055 days ago

I love it when you where your galssez

hahah , thanks , kinda need them so thats a nice benefit for you ?

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

You are so cute and I just want us to be us

oh , thank you ?

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

It’s not beef?I was just being nice ?


karisdan replied 2055 days ago



karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Lyle J?

dont really know him that well

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

“It’s the annoying one who care, the ones who blow up your phone 24/7 are the ones what care about you”- xxx

mhm ? just message me , no need for beef here

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Karis and Paris

only the best duo

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

I use duluxe to paint my walls btw?

you're annoying whoever sent this ?

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Do you go to an all girls school ?


karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Come to MHS!!


karisdan replied 2055 days ago

Closest friends in class?

and the list goes on

karisdan replied 2055 days ago


la rochelle ghs

karisdan replied 2055 days ago

remember me ???

no ? ??‍♀️

karisdan replied 2055 days ago