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karli pana


amuse or abuse

241 Replies

The girl on the left in that phone look like my dogs A$$.

Mate your a fcking wanker. Take a look in the fcking mirror you scummy little fck

karlixox replied 3315 days ago

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?

Skins uk ?

karlixox replied 3315 days ago

What was the last thing that got stolen from you?


karlixox replied 3339 days ago

I love you, but you don't get it. You don't believe me, If only you did. You know I could show you the world, give you everything life has to offer if only you just believed in me before.

Hahahahahahahahahaha inbox me eve cause this is bullsht

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Thoughts on Sarah trower, Andreas Herrera and Asher glen-ward

Sarah is a btch but I love her and all I know about Andreas and Asher is that they are gay for each other

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Thoughts on foot fetish?


karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Thoughts on foot fetish?


karlixox replied 3342 days ago

No on even users this website now days ....


karlixox replied 3342 days ago

You can't sing for sht and you smell

Thanks anon ?

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

You're a ****


karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Honest thoughts on the $exiest kid alive Declan reeve

He goes alright when he's not being a creep

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

How many pencils can you fit in your nose lovaroo Declanplz

Declan how tf do you come up with this sht

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Touch me plz Declanplz

Hmm maybe

karlixox replied 3342 days ago

Babe come on


karlixox replied 3354 days ago

I love you

Hah no you don't

karlixox replied 3360 days ago