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Yeah I do
My losers
Luc, Josh, Char, Alan and Matt
Fat donut
Princess Fgt, is quite a prestigious fgt. :p An amazing friend who's always there for me to talk to and understands my thoughts really well, the Princess gets me. Truly one of the greatest friends I have and deserves the best in life after the part few crappy months. I'll always be here for the Princess and will help whenever I can. ^_^
Aw c:
Too many
My losers
Pretty sure I'm not
Lol probs not
What, like twice? Jeez
We've talked before ??
Since like year 7, idek
All such lovely guys with awesome senses of humor. All are really nice and ultra tall, but that stupid slap game they came up with us crazy as
Cause he's pretty fab
I probably don't mean to, but I can't really give you an answer if I don't know who you are :p
What do you mean aha
I don't really have one haha
Aw, thank you haha c:
Kind as with a great personality c: we've only hung out a few times but it's always been great and we should catch up again soon :)
*Morice ;) lovely as guy with a great sense of humour, although he doesn't not know not to shove his hands down his pants to keep then warm :') part of the funsized group too ;)