Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Never have, probably never will
Don't know much about him, spoke to him once over the phone but never in person ?
My phone
Uhh, Well most of my group (Alice Whyle, Megan Steel, Emma Ward, Kayla Bradley) then Chloe Hall, Taylor Coleman, Georga De beer, Maxcine Francke, Taahirah Richards, Gemma Murphy, Aya, Denzel, Ziza, Charlie Cairns, Tabitha Cruishank, Theresa Robinson, Natasha Fullaway, Darcy Le roux, Brent Evan, Braydon Hindle, Troy Scanlon, Aston Alexander, Khali Maseko, Wiki smeegers, Shelby alpes, Amber van wilder.., Jason ?, there's a lot - I couldn't possibly name them all?
Yes - but not the nasty way you intending
Ah I don't want to leave anyone out or anything. I'm really wanting to meet new people so whoever makes an effort to get to know me x
Ah this is so sweet! Thank you xo
Dm me!
Mutual agreement to turn into my personal finsta xo
Don't have one x
Erin Pastor, Tegan Waterberg, Michaela Hunt
Rainier, Amy, Bella, Taariq, Gina
Rainier Deglon
Amy Brand
Alex Wittles
Sarah Mo
Georgia Jacobs
Tara Mchendrie
Doug Goodson
Hannah Van Niekerk
Tegan Viogt
Kyla Shaked
Josh Datnow
Erin Pastor
Isis Ihlein
Brad Marais
When people don't laugh at my jokes ??
We were best friends and then we drifted cause she had a new best friend. We had a lot of fights and it kinda just didn't work. Then I got told a bunch of stuff she apparently said about me and what she supposably said to our principal but then we spoke about it and she said it wasnt true so it's over and we're not fighting so alls good now x
Amy Brand
Rainier Deglon
Sarah Mo
Erin Pastor
Isis Ihlein
Damen Savvi
Josh Datnow
Alex Wittles
{soon to be Michaela Hunt & Emma Jardine}
No Rainier
She's been to two or three but she's not allowed to really. She would rather do other things though
Paradise Yonkers.. i dont know if that counts cause we weren't let in ? It was this year
I will koppel cause that's personal
Cedarberg for camp/hike for 12 days ?
TBH so much .. next year has so many new beginnings ✨
Rainier* has got my back. Clearly you don't know him or anything about him if you can't even spell his name? ? - please tell me who is chising? ?
Girl - Michaela Ing ?
Boy - i dont know ..
Pay enough attention so it isn't messy but don't constant have their hand in their hair ?
Why are you doing this to yourself
Lowkey got none
I am Kate and yourself
On your birthday
And you..
I know he does
So big
Not super neat and slick back but not super messy. Must have a balance ?
Meeting Rainier, becoming best friends with Gina, meeting Bella, becoming way closer with Amy and meeting all my other amazing friends
I'm so lucky to have these people..
Rainier, Bella, Nik, Amy, Gina, Arnold
Nik, Alex, Jenna
Pancakes & chill
I know what he does and doesn't do.?
I hooked up with Caleb before I was dating Rainier
Me either, ey ?
Indeed ..
He broke up with her
I recently celebrated my second birthday.
No ?
Looks?? - hair and smile
I guess I've tried to come closer with him, but I don't think he's in a very good space right now. But I'm sure when he wants to be close again, we will become close
He's my big brother. He's done so much for me and backed me since day one! He's a great guy :)
Honestly, do you know how to mind your own business?
Probably choosing between my mom and dad, or a best friend and a boyfriend.
Fish hoek
It's a bigger joke than Trump becoming president...
It's hard to say because I've hooked up with some people once and some people more than once, but Rainier :)
In some aspects of my life; yes
Gina, Rainier, Bella, Amy, Justin
They broke up
I sprained my finger once..
Answered below
I don't have a favorite song atm
The people that impact it
Funny, adventurous, ongoing, exciting, happiness, satisfying, lazy and pure love
Forever times infinity
.. food
i honestly dislike some stuff, but I'd rather not name my insecurities on the internet and think about that negativity :)
It isn't what it seems like
It's completely up to what you feel comfortable with. If you don't want to, then don't. If you are planning on doing anything with a guy I would suggest you shave, guys probably prefer no hair ?
It's completely up to what you feel comfortable with. If you don't want to, then don't. If you are planning on doing anything with a guy I would suggest you shave, guys probably prefer no hair ?
Paradise Yonkers ?- a party x
Ahh.. different friends I normally do different things. I go to parties, have sleepovers, go to a mall, go to the beach, go to there house or they come to mine, go out places like Kalk bay or wherever. It depends on how we feeling and what's happening though ?
Well.. if you want to for a one time thing, you need to make sure they feel the same way. You need to find the right time and place to do it. You need to let the guy know how you feel, because everyone should love honesty. If it's your first time, be confident because the only thing that will make it awkward is if you just sit there. I don't have tons of experience but I've picked up some things along the way.. if you want to actually know how to hookup - you can dm me or search it ?X
3 months, tomorrow x
Good for you
Getting closer with lots of people, meeting Rainier and having fun ✨
Ahaha, jealousy makes you nasty.
If he was "using" me would he have not tried to have $ex with me already? Would he have not gone for someone "easier"? Would he not go for someone prettier, skinner, hotter or nicer? You are wrong. You don't know anything about our relationship or what goes on in it.
Please, let's make a bet. Because when Rainier and I are going into 2017 together, we will have forgotten about all your false rumors. Being depressed is apart of breakups. Whether I break up with him, or he breaks up with me. I will still be sad. He is my entire world and happiness and you are literally ruining it. Why should him and I have fights and arguments about people's opinions. Because quite frankly, you are not dating us. So next time, before you try and ruin someone's happiness; think. Because honestly.. was that really worth it?