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I've made a lot, most I wouldnt talk about but one would be maybe not appreciating the people around me before they're gone.
Your too nice
Yeah :) Me and the Corz and still friends
As long as he doesn't *read* too much into it ;)
Aw, I love you too
wow..... no
Get down low and go go go
Do you want 2 CDs who?
HAHAHA TRUE!! I don't hate cause your fat, your fat because I hate you.
About an hour ago I watched mean girls haha best movie ever.
I'd love to go backpacking around Europe someday and maybe staying somewhere like France or Italy for a few years.
I honestly don't have a favourite colour but maybe like aqua or light blueishy
Not in order but Tegan, Taylah, Sarah, Leah and Rachel... Mostly because no matter what they can make me laugh and smile and they are always there for me. Xx :)
Youi gets you.
um okay
I swear I answered this before
Ew I H8 you... Nah I LOVE YOU!!! YOU ARE MY SECRET LOVER!! You're so pretty and amazing and you are just... :DD and you're a beautiful driver ;) You are the God in Feetlandia, it just wouldn't be what it is without you!! Love you long time xx
I don't have a boyfriend.....
lel fail
No. I have no money.. :/
HAHAHA.... wow
Bobs burgers? Haha that show cracks me up
in a nutshell It just wasnt feeling right and didn't work out.
you, you created this ****
If you want me to
I guess
I just.. omg Ryan!!
Does that count as stealing?
You should wash them
Yes!! Make it good
For a clown fish he's not very funny.
Not in order Sarah E Tegan O Taylah Josh Rachel Leah C.
Just why!! This is like choosing between my parents.
Don't have *ex in the missionary position, don't have *ex standing up, just don't do it, OK, promise? OK, now everybody take some rubbers
Inbox me
So much xx
Um's Kevin
eremergd like um no
They've only met like once but she says he seems like a generally nice guy aha there's not much to say about that.
Everything !! He is actually amazing :)
Not that I'm aware of
They argue a bit but so does everyone
Inbox me
I don't know maybe , who is this ?
I know right !!!
About what ?
um thanks ?
I think so
why do I do what ?!
Yes.. I guess
Now you see me looks pretty good
Maybe Zoolander or Titanic .. I have so many
I cant pick just one !!
Aw thanks :)
I dont think I'm allowed to say that..
You are sooo nice and pretty xx your always so nice to talk to and you can be pretty funny sometimes too
Omg there are so many I can't name them all but Taylah Tegan Sarah Josh Hope Leyla Rachel Kim Nat Amy and sooo many others...
I have one very special one xx
HAHAHA Best quote of the movie!!
.. who are you
Should I say thank you to that?
So are you!
Aw your too nice xx
Probs Taylah M, Tegan O and Sarah E