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u know what to do *

34 Replies

I'm sad :(


kati replied 4001 days ago

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

My bed. And house

kati replied 4003 days ago

Awe KAtI...stay "̮ᴬᵂᴱᵟᴼᴹᴱ"̮ porraboy124

Thanks ricky

kati replied 4004 days ago

Wats kyleish?


kati replied 4005 days ago

Who is your best *girl* friend and best *guy* friend, why and what they like**?** :D

All my friends are awesome that's why. There my friends ! °̩​ don't hav. 1 bf

kati replied 4005 days ago

Hey kate wat u think of kyle in ur class?


kati replied 4005 days ago

But do u like any1?


kati replied 4007 days ago

Kate wat do u think of kyle gasser?

He is kyleish

kati replied 4007 days ago

Sheldon lyks u... Do u lyk him?


kati replied 4007 days ago

Hey kate do u like any1?

Maybe maybe not

kati replied 4008 days ago

What's ur fave subject??????

Well we never do art so. Ems

kati replied 4009 days ago

Who is cute :) in your class & if u had 2 who woulf u date (: ««

°̩​ don't wanna say

kati replied 4009 days ago

But not all of them


kati replied 4009 days ago

Are all these ppl from ur school?

°̩​ don't know its anonymouse

kati replied 4009 days ago

Do u have a. Boyfriend CYAN.P

No..... PS if ur hot call me ! :D

kati replied 4009 days ago