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Katie Green


Fire away.x

631 Replies

what does CM stand for on your insta bio?

Oh, the Cookie Monster

katie.green707 replied 3145 days ago

What were you not prepared for?

Life lol

katie.green707 replied 3196 days ago

What would make your day?


katie.green707 replied 3198 days ago 3

Thoughts on Shania

She knows how I feel.

katie.green707 replied 3225 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

Because Prostitution, is a secret job.

katie.green707 replied 3226 days ago

So what's that deal with Zoe and Maddy, do you even like them anymore ?

I love them girls, so so much. We aren't as close as what we were last year, but things happen. I still would say that i tell them a lot, but we have drifted which s*cks,but we might find our way back.

katie.green707 replied 3226 days ago 1

did you and cody end?

none of your business

katie.green707 replied 3229 days ago 1

What offends you ?


katie.green707 replied 3230 days ago

Its your fault you drifted from them you do realize


katie.green707 replied 3230 days ago

Why have you drifted away for Maddy and Zoe ??

No idea, i guess sht happens.

katie.green707 replied 3231 days ago


Rochelle and Cody

katie.green707 replied 3231 days ago 1

What do you have no time for?


katie.green707 replied 3233 days ago

Who do you miss as friends? I see you've drifted from a few

I have drifted from a few, so probably Hayley, Zoe and Maddy.

katie.green707 replied 3233 days ago

Thoughts on Luke Ciccone?

Luke is a really nice kid, good to chat too, really funny, good person to be around,good listener. He tends to hog my boyfriend a lot ahah. Nah he is just a good guy! :)

katie.green707 replied 3238 days ago

Thoughts Trent6226

Trent! Your actually my favourite. Your so funny, so good to be around, good to chat too, always willing you have a chat! Just a really good guy!

katie.green707 replied 3240 days ago 1