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totes me goats yall.
Not really sure... Don't think I really knew what love was for quite a while
Embarras*ing! The person probs would be annoyed at me if i put it on here.. His first name begins with M... that's all you're getting out of me :P :)
Totally am
Nope :)
well no one likes a mooping myrtle now do they :P
Meeting the most amazing person i've ever known :)
The answer's not allowed to be public </3
sure... who ever you are haha
probably wasting time putting up with people's shi* for far to long
Thanks :)
Mostly happy
The biggest secret i know isnt my own to tell <3
10 lol
She stained my fav top. I just could not forgive that. Ever hahaha none of your bees wax yo
hmmm. Probs people who are obviously not being themselves and just acting in a certain way that they think will get people to like them more...
I would bring Rhya back in a heartbeat. She would tell us all about how she was kidnapped by dinosaur people and then had to live in witness protection for a while for the safety of all of us.
no comment lol too many pathetic memories that make me cringe at myself and what an idiot I was
there sure are lol
Me and Rhya just decided one day that i should dye my hair brown after we got tooted at by these guys, cus we were "two blondes in a convertable" lol decided we should fight against the stereotype... but brown hair didnt really suit me so i went back to blonde :)
I dont know what just happend lol
neither. I dont like eggs lol
ew =.=
Someone who you can trust no matter what. Someone you have lots of laughs with. Someone that can be your best friend too. Oh and good looking ;) Someone that is always there for you :) Someone you can be your wonderful weird self with :)
Rants such as these are not for facebook lol so no comment :/
dont even know what that is
im more of a mousey blonde naturally. You no see the carpet =.= :P
not sure... maybe a princess of some sort :P
Um not sure who you are so not sure lol dont know if i could do that before having my own kids
Laptop with internet and endless power..... My Cat.. And Nick
Hi Nick
hahahaha umm will have to say no sorry.
Thanks though :P
omg that girl is soooo up herself... like wow. Hehe joking she is pretty darn awesome :) And i want her hair... =.=