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Dats kinda personal hey...
Guess u ain gettin answered
Lol wow can't think of anything hey buh I'll hala when I do
Heyi Person!!
Me and Verb,Neo and Khule arE fRiends and if anybody has a prob with dat pls don't hesitate to say neh
Lmao haowa bathong I'm getting pissed now!!!
Can't a person be friends with a guy without ppl jumping to conclusions agh man,Neo is datin sumbody I consider a friend tjerr y would I do tht ta her
Lol me nd Quinton are jus friends hey *smile*
Nd dats spose to mean???
Lol and da rapper/singer's name is???
Lol anD give u da satisfaction lol naw babe
OH my waffles lmao nah boo jus cz I act crazy at skul don't mean I'm blond u know... Lmao there's a difference between a blonde and how I am at skul hey lol and I think I know da person hu told u dat!! Lmao,how can a blonde person achieve way BETTER $arks than the ppl hu told u?????
Lmao lark wtf-lol I'm not dating anybody at the moment boy/girl lmao
Lol I'm not goin u knw so pls tell me hu u r #wink
Lol how d u knw hu I want?? Lol u never know u just myt be lucky hey u knw #reveal urself lol
Lol wouldn u like to know!! #hidesface
Lol myb tis u hu knws? Lol tis sum rapper guy
I'd say I'm rudeness buh hey I am working on it
I'm single honey
Lol I prefer the bedroom but wouldn't trying new places lol buh it all depends hey #hides face
That I had an abortion lark wtf
I'm single
Spontaneous funny and real