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yes babe ?

89 Replies

fck the haters,Love you kay❤

Ily you too ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2795 days ago

No one messes with my baby❤❤
I love you❤ Jamiealexander.

I love you more ❤️❤️

kayla5333 replied 2795 days ago 1

hey ***** cat doll the one claiming Kay is ugly have you looked at yourslf in the mirror lately......oh shame the mirror probably cracked.....
Kay babe you beautiful....

Thank you sm annon ❤️❤️
You beautiful as well ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2796 days ago

You very ugly like super ugly like the ugliest girl I've ever seen shame .

The last time I heard god said everyone is beautiful so you probs talking about your self baby ?

kayla5333 replied 2796 days ago 1

Who don't you accept your requests

Some people look sketchy babygx

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

Shame whoever is posting so much hate prbly dnt have any followers. Kay babe you have class don't stoop dwn to these btch level. It's a coward that dnt tell you that too your face!

I love you anon x

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

Kayla you such a bAbe ?? and I really don't even know why there's sm hate here?❤ youre a really nice person?

Thank you so much my love ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago



kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

Bragging about how many follow request you have but kanti you following double the amount of your follower ha girl stop soeking ??

Clearly you don't get it that I don't give a sht of what you say you idiot. ✨
Whoever you are you going to come out and I promise I am going to moer you I told you on my story that I don't care about what's not suppose to come out of your bek so shafe ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

You think you so kwaai but kanti ?

Buzz is You think so not me ?❤️
Thank you but I am not ??

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?

What kine ✨ hate it omw ?

kayla5333 replied 2797 days ago

Ugly poes

Go tell you tannie that ??

kayla5333 replied 2798 days ago 1

You veht desperate to make friends mb. When you get to high school you gonna get to your senses and stop soeking for aandag.

Is it ? ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2798 days ago

NOBODY LIKES YOU. Get to your senses you btch

??? then why do I have 100 requests and so much followers oh and thanks for the support for qoohing me I actually wanted some ❤️ and you spell btch like that not like " btch " btch ❤️

kayla5333 replied 2798 days ago

Mb, I must say nuh, but you are kak dom. And how the poes do you know all this mense? Jirre are you trying to keep yourself kwai just because you know all these boys?

Nope I am not keeping myself kwaai wys me how ??
If I am dom how do all the people know me hunny ✨ please don't work on my A$$ I am going to trip and find you you ugly bish and ?❤️

kayla5333 replied 2798 days ago