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My baby
50 first dates
Youre my bestfriend and i cant wait till you cone visit! It'll be just like old times. Going to school and stuff wont be the same without your crazy arse being there tk make it better but like i said foreign exchange student;) anyways i love you and can trust you with anything. See you soon aunty jenn;)
My mom, jenn and cortlynne& a few others
Im north dakota right now so not till like the day after tomorrow or the day after that
Miss u to,come visit in july?:)
shes just is
idk, she doesnt make any sense tho^.
check my facebook:p
K sas*y, well I'm so glad we met and I'm even glader we got this close, your so nice and funny and you just make me happy, I'm glad I finally found a good guy<3 now do mine;)
You come make me soup or something:(
*thoughts;) and I love talking to you and hanging out with you! I can tell you pretty much anything even though we really just started talking and its funny with you and gillis, same name and all;) and your a cutie:)
That's cute! Haha the 23rd sir:)
Nice and pretty
We don't talk anymore :( let's start again?:)
Thankyou einsteinnnn
Depends what you mean by that
Who's this?:$
Thanks:) who's this:$?
He doesn't talk to me anymore. So couldn't tell ya
shes my honeyboo*oo child and i just dig her rolls so much
i just love her thats all<3
Thanks anon;):*
Because they treat you so good at first then once they have you they turn around and treat you like trash
Lots of reasons.
I have a few:$
Couldn't tell ya:$
I got it from my momma.
Hey bray;)
Channing tatum.
Because she's about to make me food
-Doesn't judge
-be myself around
-not embarrased to be seen in public
-taller then me!
Hehe thanks bray?:)