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Don't be shy ???

696 Replies

Why u so shy

It takes a special kind of person to open me up x ?

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

You a pretty cool person even tho i dont know you

Thank you x ?
Please dm me x ❤️

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

Oh I know it's not my business, was just curious.

Okay no problem.

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

All I see in her recent is a gross underdeveloped body. No offence Kaylee

Please go away. No one is perfect. I'm actually sick of you people judging others. It sickens me to see that there are people like you out there, judging others, meanwhile this is the way I was meant to be, not any other way. Please just go and get a life because, you obviously have a boring as fck life that you have to judge everybody else and make fun of the way they look. You are a pathetic, low life person.

Go get a life and enjoy the rest of your day x

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

Hey Kay ❤️
I see people are talking here like they know you ?before you act like her mother find out her age ?and she really doesn't look 9?if 9 year old are supposed to look like she looks in her recent then damn let's all be 9? miss_lacin

Thank you Tima❤️?
People have no life, so they try and mess with mine. Oh well ? They will grow up one day. ❤️

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago 1

Why are you removing it then ?

Because every freaking qooh I get is hate and I usually delete it. So I am just removing my link.

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

I think i am just too old to do that


kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

Lol, what did you do in Jeffrey's?

Your business, I don't think so ?

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

You are welcome!

Thank you x

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

Just ignore the hater, she is just a jealous btch! Btw, you are smoking hot

Awhhh thank you ??
Please dm me x ❤️

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

I would like to s*ck you A$$

Uhmm thanks I guess.
Weird compliment x

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

You like 9 years old and you are drinking and smoking

You like so annoying and btch by the way, 15 is the age.

And guess what mother fcker
, YOLO ?
s*ck my A$$✌️

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago 1 1

Why are you deleting your account

I'm not deleting it ?

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2866 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?


kaylee_purdon18 replied 2868 days ago 1

You are amazing and stunning don't ever forget ❤ happiness.xo

Thank you amazing person x ❤

kaylee_purdon18 replied 2871 days ago