kaysha bullock
Does ryley griffiths have a small ****?
No idea
You're beautiful :)
Awh thank you. ☺️
your not skinny hun put some more clothes on
Thanks doll.
you treat your boyfriend like ****, he deserves so much better than you.
Haha okay buddie.
You and tom are the perfect couple seen yous together for ages and makes me priddy jealous i dont have a girlfriend as special as you are to tom
Awh we'll thank you !
You will find someone soon just be patient, ☺️
Is it true cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
Yeah man
who is you favorite family member and why?
Don't know at the moment
Why are you hooking up with candice and stuff, when you have a boyfriend? And so does she, that's just wrong
Because we were drinking and girls seem to do that with eachother when they drink, okay okay great
Spit or swallow?
Spit that ****.
Thoughts on rachelle holdsworth
She is a beautiful girl, she's really nice and I would like to become closer with her, she seems to be a good chick. <3
whats the most you have done with a guy?
&you and tom are a beautiful couple.
sah tumblr. arhg! i want your ralationship. :(
Aw thanks ,
Aw you will find one one-day :)
your f***ing ugly mutt
At least someone agrees !
Lets be friends :D
your f***ing ugly mutt
Thanks love :)
Do you still twerk?
Only for tom.
I didn't wanna die so yeah
Hahah your funny
I love you babe
The se* was so good today and everything else
Freddy is happy
Omg -.-
Your amazing Bit**, and sah pretty! <3
Aw thank you <3
Never change for anyone your perfect the way you are my kayshdawg <3
Aw britdawg!
Love ya<3
f*** no bf for lyf!
Thoughts on britney Portelli
She amazing and I miss her.
Have you tried an***?
No way
your thoughts on josh mendoza
He should talk to me :3
Did you lick toms as*hole?
No way its a jungle in there!
Have to deep throated Tom be4?
Has Tom fingered you?
No shi*.
Has Tom licked you out?
What nationality are you? :)
you and tom are perfect for each other!!.
Aw I agree thanks ! :)
Thoughts on Taylor Cherbacof?
Don't talk but don't think she likes me.
You're actually stunning :( I'm so jealous.
Aw don't be jealous I bet you are beautiful :)
You are a slu* who dogs their besmates LOL :)
LOL, haha I'm the bestest friend anyone has had m8 you Cray.
Thoughts on Amber Lincoln?
Mmm we don't talk.
But I miss the good old days.
Thoughts on Mikaela Gielis ( Bullock)
She pretty, but we don't really talk.
Thoughts on Teegyn Puglisi?
Your actually so pretty like I'm serious girl your amazing xo
Aw thank you :')
How many guys have you had se* with?
Why are you so pretty?
Why you so pretty ?
Did you orgasm when you and Tom had se*?
Yea his the only guy that has gaven me one
Are beautiful I wood like to more about u
Thanks, just inbox me :)
Is Tom a good bang?
The best
have you and tom had se*?
How old are you If you don't mind me asking
16 in 48 days
I acutely find you perfect, you and Tom are perfect for each other. please stay together forever, xoxo
Thank you ! We will stay together forever I love him so much ! Xo
your beautiful xx
Aw thank you xx
Have u Ever cheated on anyone
Once when I was 12.
thoughts on bec black? (;
Mmm bec black......
Her name melts in my mouth. ;)
Haha she's an amazing girl and also my bestfriend , she is so beautiful she knows it , she deserves to be happy in life and to find the right guy , I want to kill her sometimes because she's that pretty.
And I hope we are friends for a long long time because life would be shi* without her ,
I love her not in a lesbian way joking not joking ;).<3
your beautiful baby gurl! <3 beccablackk
Aw bec your amazingly perfect and not fake aha ;)<3
How many times a day do you s*ck tommys Dic* ?
Never and never will
You are beautiful. Regardless of all the teasing and pushing. You are wonderful. Even though you're told otherwise. You are amazing. You can make my day with your little smile.
You are loved. Yes, you are. I love you.
Aww your a Sweetheart thank you !
I love you to.
Have you and Tom done an***?
No and never will
you are so beautiful <3
<3 as are you
l cuant spleel probleey helpe mi
Favourite p*rn?
Don\\\'t watch p*rn ?
Why make a qooh.me and answer questions stupidly
Its not stupid its for reals ?
do you whip tom? why do you stop him from riding bmx :(
Yeah he loves being whipped...
I don\'t he stopped himself I want him to ride again.:)
How are you?
Great thanks .
Can you squirt?
Yeah man like 9000km ph..
I'd love to go down on you..
Good for you too bad its never gonna happen...
Favourite position?
Your mum
how many times have you and tom f***ed, is it true he missed to hole and put it in your as*?!
We haven\'t and no Wtf ??
you have some weird video's on youtube, might i say.
Oh I know young and stupid ay
Did you and Mark Farrar have se*?
No we didn\'t.
aparently jason hill asked to s*ck your toes
No he didn\'t he only ask to kiss the top of my foot.
how many guys have you f***ed? and have you f***ed tom?
To be honest 5
And no we haven\'t.