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in gr9 when i put my iphone in the microwave ??
tbh with friends like mine and just idiots in general , there are WAY TOO MANY things ? i can’t even think of something
uh great
of course
my not giving a fck
ask instagram ??
it’s funny how i actually can’t answer this
“ek weet nie” ?
lol ??♀️? but thank you tho ✨
i really don’t get why people think this but baie duisend dankies ??♀️?
learn to love Jesus ?
well then you’ve DEFINITELY got the wrong person ? move along now this is qooh me not a dating site ?
hockey , laughing , apparently making people laugh and procrastinating (unfortunately) buuutttttt always gotta stay humble
i want to hit you with my “stick” ?
when will this stop like this is annoying AF ?
um ja like 2 people yes ,but do you think my stubborn A$$ will ever admit that to them? ?
HELL NO ??♀️?
i’ll FUND for your trip to a church and english classes instead ?
yes yes dis ek daai
tiffany tsek man ??♀️ this is sad but at least i know who i’m supposed to pray for
no man shannon , respect yourself ?? i still choose p*rnhub tho ??♀️
lmao no thanks man i prefer p*rnhub ????
like - apparently i’m funny , chilled and easy to talk to
hate - cause i always keep sht real
no maar awe dankie ?
gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang , is ja aiya ?
lmao dated my cousin ??
obviously we didn’t know
cry and rejoice at the same damn time
lil pump
jk ? um sza,rihanna,sia,sabrina claudio,sam smith,justin bieber and miguel - think that's it ?
eh average ??♀️? but that damn bio tho ???
both ? why not laugh when my ugly A$$ laugh makes others laugh ? ?
one word
people don't change
lmk ? my partner did everything , shoutout to her - she's the real mvp ???
spent 5 min just staring and laughing at this qooh cause dafuq ? ??? but if that ever happened (it didn't tho) i would respect their decision cause it's like forcing someone to have $ex with you basically
my bio task (which needs to be in tomorrow but it's currently 11:18pm and i haven't started yet bahahahahaha my life is a joke) oh and results ??
people who stare but don't look away when you catch them
when people stand too close to me
when people don't eat properly
sleep with bubblegum ??
getting my wind knocked out and choking
that 1-2 secs you're convinced you're gonna die ??
oh my word the list is soooo long but can't think of any except for
as soon as God feels like it's my time angel sorry to disappoint you ?✨
mav and i are on good terms we just don't talk mb ? and if i want to "go from guy to guy" i can mos - how about you get your own life and stop worrying about mine love ?
think i'm gonna post something tonight maybe ???♀️
omf ?? dag gemaak ???
al wat ek kan se is , 100% seker niemand sal daai hell hole mis nie want dis vol mense soos jy en jou ou hartseer qooh maak MOS 100% sin en as ek ooit n btch was met jou dan - DANKIE TOG ?
daars baie baie wat naby aan my hart is maar eks bang ek vergeet iemand sooo naahhh , my babas weet eks lief vir hulle ✨?
pray more
firstly - it's none of my business so why waste your time and data/wifi to qooh me this , no man skat you are mos better and smarter than this ??
secondly - seeing people happy makes me happy so nee angel you wrong ✨
ohhhh yes anon , ya know wassup ??
wish i felt the same about it while i had it cut , maybe i wouldn't have cried then ???♀️
i got 2 new books to read ? clearly i live a sad life ??
let's just say the honest answer to this question will get me in trouble ??
go through sht , grow through sht
throw kindness around like confetti
when i have something to post i will and i'm sure i have said this many times now ?? please relax
ja people were acting like i was the piece of sht who killed harambe ??
lmao ? - i'm sorry that i have to tell you this but there's something wrong with your sight ? #prayforanonymous ?
wouldn't you like to know ?
jaaaaa - weet wie die is ?
en ek wag en wag vir fotos wat ek kan post ??♀️??
school , arrogance , backstabbing ,lying and hate ✨
oh ja ek is MOS ? maar as ek met jou is dan het jy seker iets gedoen om dit te verdien ??♀️
the always negative/complaining
the always talking making crap jokes
actually just all people in general
die was al gevra ?? en nogsteeds wil ek dit nie antw nie ?
loooooolllllll ??
congrats you champ ???
oh great my fav gramps/sweetheart ????♀️
tough when you never have anything to post ??
was ? dafuq you mean ?
message my stud
still with this nonsense ??♀️?
think the reason is somewhere there below but it was because i called him a fckboy ??????? (ego is very fragile)
we friends ,but no we not like close just good friends i guess cause we haven't met yet but i hope we do soon
oh wow ??? well done inspector gadget , case solved , medal of honour for you ???
jack sht ? didn't know they're a thing and don't even know her but i don't care hey ???
well if someone says that the person is their dream girl then ja they're most likely in love with them but i don't know aiya
you asking the wrong person mb
because he still has issues that he needs to sort out with himself
that i am only human and still a teenager
well i told him that we're on good terms but we're not friends or anything , simply just told him to stay away from me but everything is rustig
bacon ? ??
thank you boet ?
thank you so much ?
okay honestly ??♀️ i feel like this is the same person sending me qoohs the whole time cause there can't be that many people interested in this thing , like it's even boring to me now ?
once again i hate social media ?
cause people like things
i hate social media ?
"i made that btch famous"
"go look on qooh me teef" ??
love you megs ?
tbh i'm struggling with that but i guess i'm getting there
as jy maar eintlik net geweet het wat gaan aan
that is incorrect Dr Phil
i don't ?
just feel like instagram and social media is a big bunch of crap and i was right about it but i feel fine
really appreciate it but he has apologized and deleted all his lies
after everything i do feel like i don't want to be featured in any part of his social media anymore
but yes i do feel like i deserve a better apology
yes basically that's why everything started ?
but he has apologized (even though i think i deserve a better apology) and i'm chilled ✨
well he has apologized and deleted all those lies but ja what you're saying is true.Only wanted an apology after all but yeah ??♀️
i guess cause we feel like we have nothing to hide or maybe we're just not bothered like whatever ??♀️ and it's robyn*
thank you very much but we're all friends and we're all rustig so let's forget the "whole story" ?
there is no story
we both said and did things we didn't mean so just los please
no i do not like mav and never did , yes i did say i liked him but there is a story behind all that and if you really want to know why i would lie about something like that , dm me then please , oh ja and i thought she was my friend as well ??♀️?
well a couple of minutes ago i would've gladly told the whole world everything cause i was so pissed about all the lies he told but you know i'm better than that and just gonna relax and not even worry so people must believe what they want ✨
ek dink ek sal weet hoe ek oor iemand voel so HOU JOU BEK , vir my kom vertel hoe ek voel oor iemand ?
I KNOW !!! ?????? such a legend , i should actually consider doing it