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Kellie Langley


Ask anything you wanna know :)

358 Replies

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

Actually can't pick..

keelbeel replied 3153 days ago

Closest girlfriends?

Closest girlfriend to me is my bestfriend :)

keelbeel replied 3175 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Got mi nails did

keelbeel replied 3176 days ago

Ooh I forgot...those five people arent allowed to b your blood family :-)


keelbeel replied 3176 days ago

Ok name the top five people you love most and why :-)

I don't have 5 people that without family included it's a tough one

keelbeel replied 3176 days ago

What do you not feel like doing today?


keelbeel replied 3182 days ago

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

There's a lot I would want to do

keelbeel replied 3185 days ago

Hi I'm here to chase trouble


keelbeel replied 3186 days ago

What are you obsessed with?

I don't know..

keelbeel replied 3187 days ago

Who is the best boss lady you have ever had? ?

You of course ?

keelbeel replied 3188 days ago

When was the last time you got angry and why?

Today because no fck knows how to drive

keelbeel replied 3190 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

No idea

keelbeel replied 3193 days ago

Is Jax a fcken gun or is he just s top bloke?

Top bloke :)

keelbeel replied 3196 days ago

Want to play guess who?

Sure :)

keelbeel replied 3196 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

School :)

keelbeel replied 3196 days ago