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Really nice and funny, I used to go to scouts with her and we are friends :) :D
At the moment I wouldn't go out with any :)
I would probably be a blue and orange pufferfish!!!!!! :')
No I wouldn't, if we both liked each other then I would go out with them :) ;)
She's my friend and she's in the same class as me! :)
Nobody at the moment... ;) :)
Ummmm... I dunno! :') ;)
Nope! At the moment in single!
Ummm probably Jesse...
You don't, you just walk away...
Don't like anyone! And I have no idea who likes me ;)
As a friend
Your nice and friendly! (I think you forgot to click the anonymous button) ;)
Ummmm... Thanks anonymous! I would say the same about you except I don't know who you are ;)
Well she seems nice I'm following her on Instagram and have her on snap chat but I haven't really met her much!
Hey Courtney, but no I like my name!!!!
Well Courtney is really nice and very caring, she always brightens my day! She is also really pretty and an all round great person!!!
I can't wait until I see her next ;D !
Hey anonymous! I\'m pretty sure I know who this but I\'ll answer anyway! I don\'t think I would because we are to good friends, and if we ever did date as soon as we broke up we wouldn\'t be friends anymore and that would s*ck :/ !!!!!
Who's this???? Lol ;)
Nah, I'm good ;)
No one!!!!
Better luck next time! ;)
Haha... Thanks! I think I know who this is because of the "xx" ;)