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Kelly thomas


ask away xx

495 Replies

Thoughts? MertErgec24

So talented, did such an amazing job in grease!

kelly.xo replied 3250 days ago

I hate all these dawgs. Makes me sick in the stomach! It's funny what these people are saying because it's far from who you are! I would love to see you fly kick these ugly people in the ugly head!

Haha aw thank you :)

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Can't help but laugh at all the childish things you kids are saying to Kelly, step the fck up and say it in person not behind this sht #kidswillbekids #you'regayasfck #sht****s #stepthefckup

Hahaha you're great!

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Kelly you're beautiful so don't be intimidated even for a second by these small minded people. They don't deserve your time. You're awesome. Stick to awesome people who treat you awesomely.

Yes your right, will do :) Thanks! :)

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on brandon Brunalli.
P.S; You're gorgeous kelly. Chin up x

Really lovely guy, nice smile and I enjoy talking to him! Aw thank you, means a lot xx

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Who ever the **** is who is saying this sht to kelly i actually dare you to own the fck up, see how tuff you are off anonymous love you kel its sezz xxoxoxxoxo

Miss you so much Sarah! Thanks, means a lot xx Love you

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Don't listen to the hate pretty gilt!! Jks soak it in...

Hahaha that's a little harsh :')

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

you've had $ex so many times I can't even count them on my hands :):):)

You must know a lot about me then :')

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

It's true you love fck boys because you fck lots of boys...

Okay if ya say so :')

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

you're gross and pathetic, stop blaming people for writing sht on here when really it's the truth so start listening :):):)

Haha omg you so look stupid

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

Awkward because no one is jealous people r just stating facts

It's awkward because these 'facts' are about me and I know they aren't true, soo?

kelly.xo replied 3288 days ago

I thought ur dubsmash was cute :((

Haha aww, I'm glad :))

kelly.xo replied 3289 days ago

Little b itches are so jealous of you Kelly of its so funny. If only they weren't such little fake people and didn't do it annon. Laughing so hard at all you pathetic d icks. Get a L I F E

100% agree with you, thanks!

kelly.xo replied 3289 days ago

Your stupid laugh in your dumb smash was horrid stop trying to look cute because really everyone's laughing at you


kelly.xo replied 3289 days ago

Biggest sl ut I know your parents would not be proud at all about the amount of guys you've fu cked

Don't care. I'm happy with the person I am, and I'm pretty sure my parents are proud of me too. Your parents wouldn't be proud that the fact you're doing this though so just go away and find something else better to do

kelly.xo replied 3289 days ago