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Kelsey Livens


Ask away x

234 Replies

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Shirts that are too big for me

kelseymae replied 3039 days ago 2

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

My mum and dads

kelseymae replied 3223 days ago

What is your motto?

make the most of every day

kelseymae replied 3228 days ago

What would make you happy?

So many things.

kelseymae replied 3358 days ago

Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?

I don't know, I like to think I'm a fairly forgiving person

kelseymae replied 3367 days ago

Can you do 10 push ups in a row?

You bet

kelseymae replied 3379 days ago

Last person you argued with and why ?

Indy bc we fight a lot

kelseymae replied 3380 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?

Probs food

kelseymae replied 3388 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

My own stress

kelseymae replied 3389 days ago

How do you deal with failure?

Try to do better next time

kelseymae replied 3391 days ago

Thoughts kel c ;) xx tiana_tieman

Haha, you are honestly so sweet! Get along really well with you! You're gorgeous! I hope we get closer :) xx

kelseymae replied 3396 days ago 1

Who do you envy and why ?

I try not to hold grudges

kelseymae replied 3398 days ago

Top 5 friends no order

Kimmy, Bel, Eric, Indy and I don't know who else I like all my friends a lot

kelseymae replied 3398 days ago

Who told you they loved you last

My mum

kelseymae replied 3402 days ago

Dont matter who's asking hehehe your a very curious person allways asking who this is :D

I suppose I am aha

kelseymae replied 3402 days ago