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kelsey sharrock


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552 Replies

Goodlooking year 9/10 boys?

uhh i don't even really know many from either year levels but year 9 probably hamish martin & chad harris & year 10 jarrod barke, max klevercamp, um yeah i dont really know! sorrry x x x

kelseysharrockk replied 3966 days ago

Hey kels I just wanted to remind you that you're beautiful and I love seeing you around school everyday and I hope you are feeling good and yes ok bye bye

haha aw thankyou! :)

kelseysharrockk replied 3966 days ago

you're naturally so goodlooking

aw thankyou x

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

Lol love you oodles n oodles long time...
You're amazing mmmwaaahhhh
Love mumsy xxx


kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

Your mum is awesome. True?

rack off mum

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago



kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

Who cares bout dean ffs. Everyone move on and stop asking **** bout him!!!

NO ****ING ****. amen

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

you're hot

thanks x

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

best arse woaah

oh taa

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

deans a cockhead for hurting ya

i agree! but im really over hearing & seeing his name so no dean questions :P

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

Honest thoughts on Chloe watkins?

started off really dislking her because she interfered with my relationship with dean, & then she talked **** about me & what not but now i dont really care about all that & i think shes nice & we ave good talks sometimes but i cant help but feel that she only talks to me to get stuff about dean off her chest which sometimes bothers me but shes a nice girl

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

you're such a liar!
you know dean will hurt brooke? you've even told people yourself... so saying "im sure he won't"
he's currently hurting so many people still.

wait what? yeah initially i did say that because he seems to never change but i have my fingers crossed he honestly does this time because nobocy deserves to feel **** like i did because of his actions. who is he currently hurting?

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

Thoughts on sean downie

So nice!! i havent seen him in a long time but hes always been so caring towards me & gives really good advice & just an all round good guy & definitely doesnt deserves some of the treatment he gets & his goodlooking

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

how many ppls u had *ex with

not many at all

kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago

you're so lovely!


kelseysharrockk replied 3967 days ago