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1.3k Replies

I'm sorry mate but I remember "you look like you have big legs"HAHAHAHA selinaskinner

Liar I have big legs

kevin.nguyyen replied 3379 days ago 1

Best compliment you have ever received ?

"Kevin, you got big legs!" :)

kevin.nguyyen replied 3380 days ago 2

You're from wales?

Yeeep! #11

kevin.nguyyen replied 3519 days ago

Biggest regret?

I have no regrats.

kevin.nguyyen replied 3553 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?


kevin.nguyyen replied 3561 days ago

I thought you didn't like keysy?

It's okay, you just gotta learn to like it

kevin.nguyyen replied 3561 days ago

So hiiiiiiiii


kevin.nguyyen replied 3565 days ago

Are u moving schools next year?

Hell no, keysy forever!

kevin.nguyyen replied 3565 days ago

I'm a girl you follow on Instagram and I think you're such a cutie x

That's nice :)

kevin.nguyyen replied 3565 days ago

TBH for queen selinaaaaaa selinaskinner

SELINAAAA, You're MA nigggaaaa, dox sekiiiiii mother fekkkeeeeeee! You're like one of my closest girl friends because I feel so comfortable around you because you hommmmmooooooooo. Jks. ily long time. I feel like I could tell you everything and giving you advise for the hoes out there! My farts are so goooooood ain't they (after shocks are the best) Asia is so fun because you and Cindy because we just keep talking but somehow finish the work on time.......most times. But ITS ALL GOODS SOME RELATIONSHIPS JUST TAKE TIME. (I'm the #1 love doctor you can't lie my soooole) I'm always going to be here for you because you always be my slave you know what I mean jean dox bean ahahah. Plus I'm the KING of RKO remember how I did it to you and IT WAS CRAZY! and your RKO to Ben was ****, even if I let you RKO me you still can't even do it. But yeah I trust you with anything because you're a uce with no connections jks. Always have your back! P.s WHITE MUSIC ALL THE WAY, don't mess with it maaaaate. <33333333333456789

kevin.nguyyen replied 3565 days ago 1

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

Stupid boy

kevin.nguyyen replied 3575 days ago

Wat does cc mean?

Cc stands for cute couple you funny dude

kevin.nguyyen replied 3575 days ago


Insta- keeyvon, snapchat- kevingyn, Facebook- Kev Nguyen, tumblr- keviin.nguyyen

kevin.nguyyen replied 3575 days ago

Heyy hru

I don't know what you're trying to write

kevin.nguyyen replied 3577 days ago

Who is the bae?

A chick

kevin.nguyyen replied 3577 days ago