who do you have a crush on
Why do you smell
haha awww thanks i know i smell nice
Who do u like?????
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
ummm, yes , luck brooks
nice a*s ;)
wow no need to loook at my a*s thanks buddy
Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?
ummm rugs
Have you ever been friendzoned?
Ur honestly adorable baby girl. Ur just so amazing xx
Kelly I didn't say that thing before, this is actually Erin, I'd die for you, I love you no matter what and you are my best friend . I would never lie to you :(
ok i belive u babe
What is party?
a party is were u dance and have fun \
thoughts on Erin Pitchford?
she nice funny preety but somtimes pisses me of because she lies to me
heey <3 don't leave kilberry . if you do I'll die!!!
i wont
what if i don't want to ask you anything
well u dont have im just bored
your se*y
umm awkward umm not really
Your a cutie
awww thanks but not really but thanks anyways
do you like your vans :) love you babe <3 you know who this is :)
yeah i do thanks babe