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Kieran Levett


aaaawwwwww sssshhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiitt, i love this game

87 Replies

Message me back, im so bored!

sorry! i fell asleep!

kezzalev replied 4197 days ago

Whos the one guy you would have *ex with 303 days later ;);)

umm... aahh.. umm myself? does that count? i do that all the time though :( #foreveralone

kezzalev replied 4197 days ago

WHos the one guy you would have se* with??

uh sorry, i do like females and i'll be sticking to that

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

If you could f*** anyone right now who would it be?

uuhh to be honest at this point in time i am not exactly aroused so not thinking about that. but i've got my eye on someone ;)

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

who was your first? :)

haha uh, a very old friend. kinda awks but no regrets

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

Dayum, what's your number you se*god.xo

i feel like i probably shouldnt do this, you could be the beast of blenhiem. message me on facebook

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

how does se* work from start to finish? do i have to s*ck the guys Dic* first?

... usually, then you fumble it into your v***** and he should ejaculate in around 30 seconds. once he stops apologizing and you stop crying he\'ll drive you home in his mum\'s car.

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago 1

so have you made a move on nadia yet?

hahahaha no

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago


you know, like hot spanish Bit**es with big booties that are like "iiieee paapppiii"

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

You're se*y. f*** me hard xo

sure, teaxt me ;)

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

what do you enjoy fapping to? i enjoy black woman, because well they are black

latina ;)

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago


wow why? this is such an open question... why what?
why does the world spin? why is my Dic* so huge? why does Lincoln get sooooo many girls? why are my abs so rock hard and defined? why on earth did those two lovely ladies decide to do that with a cup? why do we go on
"why?" so broad

kezzalev replied 4500 days ago

Im a f***en dolphin and if you were a dolphin as well we would swim the seven seas together. Vise versa

i love you
"I'm ridin on a dolphin, doin tricks n' shi*. dolphin's splashin getting err'body all wet"

kezzalev replied 4502 days ago

Stop acting like a complete dopey **** round us girls please mate

which girls is us girls? i didnt know i was acting dopey, maybe im just a bit of a dopey ****.
nif you really dont like it dont hang with me?
nor do you just hang with me for my body?

kezzalev replied 4502 days ago

Did u find josh and f*** him up?

i didnt even see him. f***ing sifty rat

kezzalev replied 4502 days ago