Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I find it strange for girls to say that, I don\'t know why, I just do.
I think I\'ve decided to take you to paris. :)
we\'re happily married..
honeymoon soon too i think.
human growth hormone...
c) Your sisters Pu**y juice nigga!!!
no idea!
ask again with your name!
thank you!
Regina can s*ck a duck!
rnWe\'re not even related, she wish she had somewhat of my precious blood in hers.
rnA man of my calibre, from mount olympus born & bred from gladiators, raised by heavens angels, fought hells devils. Have nothing to do with humans.
rnAs says the food chain. ;)
You possibly can't. haha its off the net cause I'm a motherfcking boss! ;)
Nah, bro you're tripping. I'm not even big!
Damn man, I haven't even got a blade! :(
Brown hair!
Brown eyes! :D
Just something about yknow! :D
I'm 176cms tall.
Weighing in at 86kgs!
nice to know!
I'm Thai/Laos/Cambodian.
As long as she loves me.
That is all!
I'm going to name him Kai, after Kai greene..
But if it's a girl, her mum can name her whatever she wants. :)
100% pure 86KGS
Personal Reasons.
Why thank you, would love an inbox :)
There's a lot of people during arnold reign that deserved to win, but also so much conspiracy around the reign too.
Which I highly believe regarding back then about the competition being won simply on "reputation".
Hence the reason why arnold, will & not be one of my favourites.
Read this,
we'd have cute babies, why not?
Naw, thank you.
me too! =D
Depending on the occasion, depending on the time.
Depending if I'm dieting.
We go mental.
Who are you?
Troll perhaps?
Haha, I have a cheesy smile.
But thank you! <3
Naaaaw, why thank you. :)
Still shame on you though.
Why not?
Feel safer behind the anony-mouse button? :)
Come off anon & I could give you an answer?
We were preety goners if they had bats.
I like this question! :)
But sir, I'm not a bodybuilder. I train for re creational purposes.
Well obviously, we all start lifting weights because we wanted to see changes in our body... For woman. Yeah I'm going to admit it, girls drove me into the gym. But after you get past that initial stage, it becomes something more pas*ionate. More than a hobby, almost a lifestyle. Not a day goes by when you don't think about it. Improved my life dramitically, kept me on the right track, taught me many values. Which can be taken out with you to life, e.g. Commitment, sacrifice.
Its true when they say, once you think you look good, you feel good.
But in the sport, it is never good enough.
Sure, when my clutch, radiator & a little other things is replaced.
Thanks bro, lots of love!
Train hard!
Somethings, every single day.
I'm alright, not been feeling the best.
I know right, its like why I like to f*** your mother, oh wait, I enjoy it. Maybe they enjoy asking me questions. Or maybe they don't? Just doesn't make sense does it?
Nope, no one in mind or that I can think of?
However, to captivate my full attention/interest she has to be;
-Kind hearted
May be asking for alot, but it'll be worth it when I find her! :)
I don't understand, I deal steroids so why would I need to go through you?
I do not understand...
Salads contain so much protein.
I can't answer your question, maybe talk to a nutritionist.
No, the actual truth was, my mother couldn't be bothered breastfeeding me.
So she brought a cow home... Now your mum has two nipples, right?
The cow had four...You do the maths.
The best is my *** in a cup..
nTake that bro, I promise you\'ll get huge..
nI have gifted genetics man, dad was a bodybuilder, mum was a bodybuilder..
nDad was 5xMR O
nMum was 5xMrs O
nA serving I charge is usually $15, but if you buy two now, i\'ll do it for $29.95
nPs, I can color mix my shi* in it as well if you prefer the brown color.
Yeah, stay in school, learn how to spell
what is this lift you guys talk about?
Supplements is a mere supplementation to real food. I believe in order to get to step 2, you first have to master step 1.
If you can't even eat properly, then you're merely just wasting your time...
That goes with the use of steroids as well, the only difference is steroids are like at step 100, way down the track.
mai dai tum alai,
kun ben kai lor?
Does this question make you feel superior?
By making yourself anonymous, you feel heroic don't you.
Right now, I'm loving the mental battle for leg day.
Its more of a love hate relationship with it.
But the feeling after, the pain, is satsifying knowing you've given the workout everything.
Does that mean I have to get on one knee.
I don't go off genetics, it's hard work.
If you let genetics get the better of you, obviously you're not going to work hard enough.
I don't know that's just me..
I don't think i'm going to compete anytime soon.
Sorry buddy.
I'm sick & can't go gym :(
There's two things.
The boys & something else.
Of course I do Mila, Kunis, right? :D
I'm 175cms tall.
To be honest I've never tried 1RM for anything.
Though my lifts are, sqaut; 3 & 1/2 plates aside for 8. (Plate meaning 20kgs, 1/2 meaning 10kg)
Bench; 2 & 1/2 aside, for 10.
Deadlift; 4 plates aside, for 8.
Personal reasons.
I want to be AMAZING! :D
Nope, sorry.
Dope song!