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there are many important people in my life. ashleigh, hamish, monica, kaitlyn, fox, emily, lauren, brittani just to name a few :)
it's a hard one. i've had thoughts of primary teaching or early childhood but they are only ideas. it's a mystery to me!
brittani harrington omg. she's my babe ;) don't really have a fav guy.
hahaha oh i am so glad im not watching it! appalling.
oh i know, thank goodness ;)
too many groups to think about. cbf.
one more year left! <3
you are xoxo
there will always be regrets. nothing major that i can think of. just small certain things i wish i'd done differently.
to be honest i don't really know many that well. vinny and all his group seem cool :)
theres quite a few. but i really don't like small spaces, claustrophobic is the proper name for it. and i'm also scared of failing.. always have been.
hmm josh kennedy.. :p
well i must ;)
i'm sure i love you too ;)
aw thankyou. oh why not (:
we're still together so yeah.
ok thankyou for that.
hello there (:
depends on my mood, anything bright :)