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Getting my voice heard by people everywhere
Oh god no, of course not!! . Phoebe is one of my best friends. You might think so, but I know her, and I certainly think she's not.
Yeah! No complaints, have great friends and all that. Pretty good
Double Negatives!!!
Their negativity and lack of confidence. so annoying
Long enough to be remembered
A TV presenter. Like rove
The actions of some people, that you wouldn't expect it from
Friends and family
Just the one
1. The Australian cricket team 2. The Australian croquet team bloody disgraceful! :P
Well ive drifted a bit away from some of the people in my class. But it just happens
Ok. Too many, Budapest? Life in Technicolor ii?
Oh tough one, um look tbh all my friends are pretty thoughtful, i spose phoebs is probably the most thoughtful, shes always putting others before herself.
Try being relaxed for once
Gotta be Sam Campbell Russell
The weatherman
What can i say? First of Maia, shes a good friend that we became close with in France, although she can be quite secretive with Jacob, just saying :) :)
Not reading the terms and conditions
Umm, gotta be France this year, it was just the best thing ever, but i went to the US in 06 and it was pretty good too, so either one of those too
Game of thrones, for the win
oh I am sooo jealous!
other. Jayden/indya
ha ha. we became good friends if that's what you mean
well defiantly nicki and phoebe, But honestly there are way too many to come up with 3
reading terms and conditions
Hella yeah it is!
My favourite year 11 girls are honestly amazing! So funny! But honestly there are too many! But of course rachet hoe is the greatest!
Hannah, Cheyenne, Maia. But there's a lot more, pretty much got close with everyone
Umm idk, breathe
Ha ha who says this?!? Its wrong. Well honestly holly is a great person who is really fun to be around, and has a great sense of humor.
What?!? Inbox me.
Yes, at Bacchus Marsh
Ha ha false..
Have my cake, and eat it too.... nah party
Gotta be Jacob my chevski
To many insta/fb posts about the bf
At night time
There's so many. Nick and tayla.
English. But in all seriousness, essays and all that.
Saw the best musical ever! Starring phoebe Hogarth!
Noooooo. And i dont think so
Holly Kelsey or paxman? because holly Kelsey is one of the funnest person i know, and of course we have our secret ;) holly paxman is a really down to earth and easy to talk to person.
My grandpa dying.
Money can buy Tim tams, Tim tams are pretty much love. Right?
Just French. Already too many Cameron Frenchs at foodies
Omg! You're saying it wrong, its rachet hoe!
Honestly, i think Hannah lacy is the most amazing, awesomest person i know.
3, one of each
Happiest-my week has been pretty bloody good this week, but i guess spending time with the people i love. Saddest-realising i have 4 tests this week, i mean who does that???
Trust - Jacob Spend time - Nicki Admire - ummm, idk, sorry
Dream on white boy
Dont stop me now - Queen Viva la Vida - Coldplay life in technicolour - Coldplay you're beautiful - James blunt UNI - Ed Sheeran sorry that's more than one
Jacob, phoebe, Nicki, Chloe, Rachel, Sam. Sorry im sure ive left some people out.
Not much random person
Some of the best goddamm people i know.
No one at the moment